CEA Commends Governor Heineman’s Approval of Keystone XL Pipeline

Approval follows significant environmental study and noted economic benefits

 HOUSTON, TX:  Today Governor Dave Heineman informed President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton that Nebraska has approved the re-route of the northern leg of the Keystone XL Pipeline following an extensive environmental review by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality.

CEA Executive Vice-President, Michael Whatley, issued the following statement upon learning of the Governor’s decision:

“This decision is welcome news for Nebraska’s citizens and consumers. As a recent study noted, the Keystone XL project will provide $1.8 billion in overall economic activity and thousands of jobs for Nebraska’s economy.  At the same time, the pipeline will help provide Nebraskans with a source of affordable energy that is greatly needed by the state’s agrarian and manufacturing economy.”

“For months project opponents have tried to convince the public that moving forward with the pipeline would sacrifice the state’s natural resources.  This is a false choice refuted by two assessments conducted by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality and a study conducted by the U.S. State Department.  All of these reviews found the project will result in ‘minimal environmental impacts’ and the State Department noted the pipeline will be one of the safest constructed in our nation’s history.”

“It’s well past time for this project to be approved as it will improve the quality of life for all Nebraskans and the nation as a whole. Our communities and economy are best served by responsible energy policies implemented after pragmatic and responsible reviews. That is exactly what has happened with this project. Given this history we urge the U.S. State Department to approve the new route as expeditiously as possible.”

…long and sometimes difficult

If you’re only going to read one section of President Obama’s 2nd Inaugural Address, pay attention to paragraph 14 and 15:

We, the people, still believe that our obligations as Americans are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity. We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. (Applause.) Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires and crippling drought and more powerful storms.

The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot resist this transition, we must lead it. We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries, we must claim its promise. That’s how we will maintain our economic vitality and our national treasure — our forests and waterways, our crop lands and snow-capped peaks. That is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by God. That’s what will lend meaning to the creed our fathers once declared.

Source: WhiteHouse.gov

U.S. Industrial Products Manufacturing Company Joins Growing Energy Consumer Group

PITTSBURGH, PA — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to announce that Action Supply Products Inc. has joined as its newest affiliate member. Action Supply Products Inc. is a wiping cloth manufacturer and distributor of premier industrial safety products and maintenance supplies. With facilities in Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, Action Supply Products Inc. sells an array of workplace products to industrial markets.

“We’re proud to partner with an organization that supports responsible energy production, manufacturing competitiveness and economic stability for the nation,” said Don Fink, Action Supply Products Inc., President and Owner.  “Since our business and future depend on ensuring steady economic growth and continued expansion opportunities, we look forward to working with Consumer Energy Alliance to elevate our presence in the responsible energy development debate.”

“Consumer Energy Alliance is pleased to welcome Action Supply Products Inc. as our newest member,” said CEA Mid-Atlantic Director, Mike Mikus. “As a valued American manufacturing company, we’re committed to advocating on their behalf on critical policy issues surrounding the responsible development of the nation’s domestic energy supplies, as well as promoting economic growth and job-creating initiatives throughout the Marcellus Shale region.”

For more information about Action Supply Products Inc., please visit http://www.callforaction.com/.

Nebraska Economist Predicts $1.8 in Economic Investment from Keystone XL

Respected Nebraska economist Ernie Goss is out with a new report today finding the state of Nebraska will see $1.8 billion in new economic investment from construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.   The Omaha World-Herald reports, Analysis: Keystone XL pipeline would generate $1.8 billion for Nebraska

Omaha World-Herald summarizes key findings from the Goss report:
» The project would generate $1.8 billion in “overall economic activity” in Nebraska from 2013 to 2029.
» TransCanada will spend about $580 million in the state during the two-year construction phase and $570 million more during subsequent years of operation.
» The project would create 5,500 jobs during construction and 302 jobs afterward. The figures include both direct and indirect jobs, paying an average annual salary of $38,000, Goss said.
» The pipeline would result in $58.6 million in property taxes, $39.1 million in sales taxes, $23.4 million in income taxes and $13.5 million in other taxes.
Goss’ findings generally indicated a larger economic impact from the pipeline than another analysis released Jan. 4 by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality. For example, the DEQ report said pipeline construction would produce $418 million in economic benefits and 4,560 jobs.  Goss said he and the DEQ used several different variables to crunch the data, which can explain the different findings.
Read the full report here.

Economic Impact of the Keystone XL Pipeline on the State of Nebraska

The Economic Impact of the Keystone XL Pipeline on the State of Nebraska

A new study by Creighton University economist Ernie Goss shows Nebraska will see over 5,000 new jobs a year and hundreds of millions of dollars in new economic investment from construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

The Goss & Associates report makes several estimations on the economic impact of the pipeline to Nebraska, including:

  • Construction Phase Investment: The project will generate $580.2 direct construction spending by TransCanada during the construction period of the pipeline (2013-2014).
  • Operational Phase Investment: TransCanada will spend $570.5 million directly in Nebraska during the operational period of the pipeline (2015-2029).
  • Job Creation: Construction of the pipeline will support an average of 5,517 jobs per year (includes both direct and indirect) and generate labor income of $956 million.
  • Overall Impact: The construction and operation of the Keystone XL pipeline will add approximately $1.8 billion to the overall economic activity in Nebraska.

Consumer Energy Alliance hopes this new study will help Nebraska Governor Heineman in his decision to approve construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline through his state.


Do small modular nuclear reactors have a future in the United States?

Afternoon Energy

‘Afternoon Energy’ is a weekly segment featuring CEA President David Holt. David takes the time to answer important energy questions from consumers across the country. Mike from Georgia asked, “I’ve heard that the next wave in nuclear energy are these small modular reactors, do these have a future in the United States?

Whatley: Keystone XL pipeline best indicator to President’s plans for the energy sector

Town Hall: The President Knows the Benefits of Keystone XL, But Will He Act?

The election was more than a month ago and many in Washington and around the country are still scrambling to break out their divining rods and polish off their crystal balls. There are still many unanswered questions about the direction of President Obama’s next term, particularly how it will govern on energy policy. Will the President embrace the economic engine of energy production, or will he side with the climate change lobby and move to support a cap and trade program like the one California just put into place? Based on the campaign rhetoric of the last year, it’s hard to tell. There is one thing that will provide a clear answer to these questions. His decision on the final fate of the Keystone XL pipeline will be the best indicator we have about the president’s plans for the energy sector over the next four years.

Holt Looks Ahead Four Years in Energy Policy

Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt gives his take at National Journal’s Expert Blog on what is ahead for Energy in the next four years:

Over the next four years, energy development will face challenges both from the Obama Administration’s regulatory agenda, as well as from Congress. Additionally anti-development forces are ramping up efforts to block energy development at the local and state level. The regulatory action, stemming mainly from EPA, that stalled during the two years leading up to the election will continue apace, at least until the midterm elections in 2014. Despite the potential for the confirmation of a more moderate Administrator, EPA can be expected to work quickly to promulgate and finalize rules in order to insure completion by 2016. I expect that the agency will push aggressively in several areas including the regulation of coal-fired utilities, regulation of hydraulic fracturing and regulation of offshore oil and gas development.

Given the partisan divide in Congress, enactment of significant energy or environmental legislation dealing with key issues such as energy efficiency, Renewable Fuels Standard reform, and offshore development, will be extremely difficult and Congressional oversight of the federal regulatory agencies will be highly partisan and largely ineffective.

Read More.


Science and Engineering Fair of Houston Set for February 28 to March 2

Save the Date!
Science and Engineering Fair of Houston
February 28 – March 2, 2013
Cullen Performance Hall, University of Houston, Main Campus

The Science and Engineering Fair of Houston (SEFH) promotes the “learning and applications of science and technology” for Texas junior and senior high schools students in Houston and the surrounding area. SEFH is a regional fair, associated with the INTEL International Science & Engineering Fair and is one of the largest pre-college STEM activities in the U.S. For information on entering or questions, please visit the SEFH website. Winning students will be recognized at the SEFH Awards Ceremony, will receive awards at Energy Day, and will be invited to display their projects at Energy Day on October 19, 2013.

Georgia Power Scuttles 15 Coal-Fired Plants

The President of Georgia Power tells Fox News that federal regulations are the culprit behind the company laying off nearly five-hundred of its employees.

Fox News reports:

Tough federal emissions standards are being blamed for the closure of 15 coal-fired plants and the loss of nearly 480 jobs in Georgia.

Georgia Power plans to close the power plants, cutting its grid capacity by more than 15 percent, in a move the utility said was necessary to comply with federal regulations aimed at reducing air pollution.

“We recognize the significant impact that these retirements will have on the local communities and we took that into account when making these decisions,” said Georgia Power President and CEO Paul Bowers. “These decisions were made after extensive analysis and are necessary in order for us to maintain our commitment to provide the most reliable and affordable electricity to our customers.”