Texas’ Emissions Plunged 74%, as Statewide GDP Nearly Quadrupled

Austin Texas skyscrapers skyline aerial at sunset from helicopter

Austin, TXConsumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, released its Texas Emissions Analysis, which found that emissions have declined by 74% across the state since 1990. This sharp decrease is remarkable given that Texas’ Gross Domestic Product nearly quadrupled over the same period.

This feat comes as Texas leads the nation in both petroleum and natural gas production and consumption – with the state being responsible for 40% of U.S. crude oil production and a quarter of U.S. natural gas production. It is also noteworthy that Texas leads in diversifying its energy portfolio, as it is also the nation’s top wind producer. CEA’s analysis illustrates that we can meet the energy needs of Texas’ families, small businesses and industries while protecting our environment at the same time.

From 1990 to 2019, Texas’ emissions of key pollutants have decreased across the board, with a:

• 74% reduction in sulfur dioxide (SO2)
• 66% reduction in carbon monoxide (CO)
• 53% reduction in nitrogen oxides (NOx)
• 5% reduction in volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

These numbers are noteworthy given that more than 86% of the state’s energy needs are met by oil and natural gas and Texas uses more natural gas for electricity generation than any other state.

Moreover, while Texas’ emissions of key pollutants were plunging and the state’s economic growth was exploding by 398%, the population grew by 70% and Texans traveled 5% more, as measured by vehicle miles per capita. All three of these changes usually are accompanied by emissions increases, not decreases.

“Texas has proven environmental stewardship and energy independence are not mutually exclusive, a false idea that many anti-energy extremists propagate,” CEA Gulf Coast Director Kaitlin Schmidtke said. “These emissions improvements are occurring while the United States has become the world’s leading producer of oil and natural gas, proving that rigorous environmental standards and energy production can coexist.”

“Texas has been a leader in demonstrating we can have a cleaner environment, a strong economy, and affordable, reliable energy for families and businesses across the state. It’s clear the state has achieved drastic reductions in emissions across the board during a period of substantial economic growth, while meeting the energy needs of Texas’s businesses and families – something all Texans can be proud of,” Schmidtke said.

“We thank Texas’ policymakers for recognizing the importance of this work, as well their understanding that the state and the nation benefit from expanded exploration and production access in the Gulf of Mexico.”

This analysis follows CEA’s Energy Savings Report for Texas, which found that Texas consumers saved more than $119 billion from 2008-2018 in large part because of affordable natural gas. Texas households saved over $9.3 billion and industries, including aerospace operations and petrochemical and steel manufacturing facilities, saved more than $101.5 billion.

Not only is affordable energy essential to Texas’ families and small business operations, COVID-19 has shown how essential it is to our national supply chain and manufacturing infrastructure. All Texans benefit from a strong energy industry and reliable energy infrastructure.

With more than 1.7 million Texans now suffering from unemployment and small businesses and manufacturers across the state reeling from the economic downturn, it’s important to highlight the 147,000 jobs and more than $326.3 billion in economic impact that the energy industry has brought to the state.

To view the analysis, click here.

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Troubled at State Agency’s Appeal of Line 3, A Means of Economic Development

Public Hearing

Minneapolis, MNConsumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today expressed its disbelief in response to the Walz Administration’s Department of Commerce, which filed an appeal opposing the necessity of modernizing Minnesota’s infrastructure by replacing Line 3. Chris Ventura, CEA’s Midwest Executive Director, said:

“After more than six years, 70 public hearings, and over 13,500 pages of environmental analysis, it is exasperating that we’re still discussing the validity of this essential infrastructure. Now, with tourism crumbling and almost 10 percent of our population sitting unemployed, the Minnesota Department of Commerce – which is charged with economic development – continues to undermine its mission and Minnesota’s future.”

“What more is necessary to demonstrate the clear and overwhelming need to modernize Minnesota’s vital energy infrastructure? Shutting down this pipeline instead of upgrading it would cost Minnesota 8.2 million gallons of gasoline, 1.1 million gallons of jet fuel, or 4.7 million gallons of diesel fuel in as little as nine months. In the end, that would create higher fuel prices affecting Minnesota and the surrounding region, and leave consumers holding the bill.”

“Why does a state agency responsible for economic development want to deny over 4,200 union construction workers the dignity of bringing home a paycheck to support their families? Why deny employment opportunities to tribal communities that are continually overlooked? Why risk leaving Minnesota unprepared to attract businesses or to bring our critical supply chains back home?”

“Making decisions at the expense of everyday Minnesotans is not what the agency was designed to do. Hopefully, commonsense prevails in court so we can finally get people back to work and provide the state’s families and businesses with an environmentally safe way to receive the affordable energy they need.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy and the environment, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.


Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Administration’s Alaska Leasing Decision Made With Due Care for Environment & Energy, Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Says

Anchorage Alaska

WASHINGTON – Department of Interior Secretary David Bernhard today signed a record of decision allowing oil and gas leasing in a small part of the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve under stringent environmental regulations, fulfilling a Congressional mandate to secure U.S. energy supplies for the future and ensure that our natural resources keep benefiting our nation.

Consumer Energy Alliance’s federal affairs advisor Michael Zehr released the following statement:

“Interior Secretary Bernhardt’s actions today strike the right balance between our environmental and energy priorities, and it will benefit American families and small businesses by ensuring there is access to the oil and gas resources in the Reserve under stringent environmental protections and unprecedented limits on operations and siting. Congress in 2017 ordered the federal government to open the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas leasing. The fact that this action comes after nearly three years of careful scrutiny by the federal government, more than 30,000 hours of expert review and the consideration of more than 2 million comments submitted by the public is a testament to America’s environmental commitment.”

“Some 92% of the Reserve is closed to leasing, and under Congressional direction, the decision today grants the easements needed for successful energy production on only 2,000 of the area’s 19.3 million acres. That preserves an area roughly the size of South Carolina as wilderness.”

“Future exploration and production will produce work for the thousands of Alaskans in the energy industry, and help underpin a strong economy. Today’s action by the Administration is an important milestone, and hopefully a sign that approvals are forthcoming soon for other pending renewable and traditional energy projects or potential leases that can all lead to substantial economic activity, jobs and revenues.”

“Ensuring access to all of America’s natural resources is essential to keeping our energy reliable and affordable for our families, farmers and small businesses. Consumer Energy Alliance applauds the Adminstration for its commitment to environmental stewardship and enhanced access for oil and gas exploration, and Sens. Murkowski, Sullivan and Congressman Young for their support in advancing the legislation that made it possible.”



About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading consumer advocate for energy, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households and businesses across the country. CEA works daily to encourage people across the nation to seek sensible, realistic and environmentally responsible solutions to meeting our energy needs.

Bryson Hull
P: 202-657-2855

Ohio Must Keep Investing in Its Energy Future

Worker at construction site with rebar

CEA’s research on Ohio’s natural gas cost savings for consumers was recently highlighted in a piece discussing how lower energy prices coupled with Ohio energy production is creating new opportunities across the state.

For those keeping score at home, Ohio has steadily made itself an important player in the “Industrial Midwest” by investing in its natural resources, generating increasing economic activity while protecting our state’s environment…

…The Consumer Energy Alliance has found that residential and commercial consumers have saved more than $40 billion in energy costs in one decade alone. New and more efficient production technologies have afforded most of these savings, driving prices of natural gas from $10 highs to just under $4, according to one study.


Read more – The Canton Repository

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Commends Administration Approval to Develop Federal Oil Leases in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska

Trans Alaska Pipeline

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, the Bureau of Land Management published a final environmental impact statement for the Willow Project, a 30-year exploration and production plan in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska that could yield an estimated 590 million barrels of oil over its lifetime.

Consumer Energy Alliance’s President David Holt, released the following statement:

“We applaud the Administration’s continued efforts to advance oil and gas access in Alaska as part of an overall plan to promote domestic production of both traditional and renewable energy. As the first major Arctic project to advance this far by the Trump administration, Willow Project production could provide access to valuable resources in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska and provide more throughput in the Trans Alaska Pipeline System – helping to create more jobs for Alaskans, revenue for the state and energy security for the lower 48.”

“Thoughtful, environmentally responsible domestic production of oil and gas benefits families, farmers and small businesses across the country. Continued, responsible development of our domestic resources and pipeline infrastructure will provide much needed economic opportunities and jobs for Americans as we recover from the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic.”

“The United States is not only one of the largest producers of oil and gas in the world, but also one of the most efficient and environmentally sound producers. For our economy to prosper and environment to improve, U.S. leadership in oil and gas production is absolutely essential.”

Court Reverses Order to Shut Down Dakota Access Pipeline

Pipeline connection to oil refinery

The Dakota Access pipeline can continue operating pending a full environmental review after a federal appeals court reversed a judge’s order for its shut down.

A federal appeals court on Wednesday reversed a judge’s order that shut down the Dakota Access pipeline pending a full environmental review. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit sided with pipeline owner Energy Transfer to keep the oil flowing, saying a lower-court judge “did not make the findings necessary for injunctive relief.”

Read more – The Associated Press

Permian Rebound Risks More Flaring if Pipelines Lag — Report

Pipeline Construction

Continued pipeline project delays are likely to lead to increased flaring in the Permian Basin, according to analysis by Rystad Energy.

The Permian Basin could see an increase in flaring in coming years if new pipeline projects are delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new analysis by Rystad Energy. In a note yesterday, the Norwegian data firm said a “low investment environment” created by the virus is likely to push back approvals for pipelines, which may “necessitate” more flaring starting around 2023. Flaring is already widely regarded as a major problem in the Permian, a formation that spans parts of Texas and New Mexico and accounts for 39% of U.S. oil production.

Read more – E&E News

Florida’s Emissions Plunged 93%, as Statewide GDP More than Tripled

Hallandale Beach Florida

Tallahassee, FL – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, released its Florida Emissions Analysis, which found that emissions declined by 93% across the state since 1990. This sharp decrease is remarkable given that Florida’s Gross Domestic Product more than tripled over the same period.

This outstanding feat comes as natural gas fuels about 70% of Florida’s electricity – with more than 90% of Florida’s homes relying on electricity for heating and cooling. CEA’s analysis illustrates that we can have energy production and meet the energy needs of Florida’s families, small businesses and industries while protecting our environment at the same time.

From 1990 to 2019, Florida’s emissions of key pollutants have decreased across the board, with a:

  • 93% reduction in sulfur dioxide (SO2)
  • 66% reduction in nitrogen oxides (NOx)
  • 56% reduction in carbon monoxide (CO)
  • 41% reduction in volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

These numbers are noteworthy given that Florida’s the nation’s fourth-largest energy consuming state and more than 66% of Florida’s energy needs are met by oil and natural gas.

Moreover, while Florida’s emissions of key pollutants were plunging and the state’s economic growth was exploding by 326%, the population grew by 65% and Floridians traveled 24% more, as measured by vehicle miles per capita. All three of these usually are accompanied by emissions increases, not decreases.

“Florida has proven environmental stewardship and energy independence are not mutually exclusive, a false idea that many anti-energy extremists propagate,” CEA Florida Director Kevin Doyle said. “These emissions improvements are occurring while the United States has become the world’s leading producer of oil and natural gas, proving that rigorous environmental standards and energy production can coexist.”

“Florida has been a leader in demonstrating we can have a cleaner environment, a strong economy, and affordable and reliable energy for families and businesses across the state. It’s clear the state has achieved drastic reductions in emissions across the board during a period of substantial economic growth, while meeting the energy needs of Florida’s businesses and families – something all Floridians should be proud of,” Doyle said.

“We thank Florida’s policymakers for recognizing the importance of this work, as well their understanding that we need to promote sensible energy policies that increases domestic supplies of all resources — oil, natural gas, wind and solar, onshore and off, and in the safest and environmentally responsible way possible. That’s why Gulf states must come together to ensure that expanded access of all energy resources in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico far from Florida’s beaches is included in future leasing opportunities while also ensuring that we do so with the strongest environmental protections for our coastline.”

This analysis follows CEA’s Energy Savings Report for Florida, which found that Florida consumers saved more than $9.3 billion from 2008-2018 in large part because of affordable natural gas. Florida’s households saved over $595 million and industries, including aerospace operations and automobile and plastics manufacturing facilities, saved more than $5.7 billion.

Not only is affordable energy essential to Florida’s families and small business operations, COVID-19 has shown how essential it is to our national supply chains and manufacturing infrastructure. All Floridians benefit from a strong energy industry and reliable energy infrastructure.

With more than 1.4 million Floridians now suffering from unemployment and small businesses and manufacturers across the state reeling from the economic downturn, it’s important to highlight the 266,800 jobs and more than $22.1 billion in economic impact that the energy industry has brought to the state.

To view the analysis, click here.

After COVID-19, Gulf of Mexico Energy Growth Is Key to Alabama Economy Rebound

Wilson Dam in Alabama

CEA’s Kaitlin Schmidtke examines how Gulf Coast energy is essential to Alabama’s economic recovery.

For instance, studies conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) indicate that wind energy may offer a great renewable energy source for Alabama and the other four Gulf states. Recent cost reductions that make U.S. wind energy costs the lowest ever, the Energy Department calculates, boost the prospect of offshore wind power becoming cheaper than conventional power generation in the near future.

Read more – Montgomery Advertiser

Pipeline Supplies Vital Propane Gas

Propane Tanks in the Winter

With more than 250,000 Wisconsinites depending on propane for home heating and thousands of farmers dependent on propane for frying crops, it is essential our energy infrastructure continues to deliver for Wisconsin.

For our state’s farmers, propane is essential for drying their crops. The situation grew so dire that Gov. Tony Evers declared a propane and farm fuels-related energy emergency.

Read more – Wisconsin State Journal