19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

SEA Supports North Carolina’s Move Towards Shale Development


FREDERICKSBURG, VA: Southeast Energy Alliance (SEA) recently submitted comments to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in response to its draft study “North Carolina Oil and Gas Study under Session Law 2011-276.” SEA strongly agrees with the study’s findings that horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing can be implemented safely and responsibly with proper regulations. Michael Whatley, SEA’s Executive Director, offered the following comments on the study:

“The oil and natural gas industry has become a pillar of many local economies. The industry has not only created thousands of steady, high-paying jobs in the energy sector, but provided an influx of revenue that has boosted local businesses and helped support families. SEA is in favor of the responsible and safe implementation of hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling in North Carolina, and we encourage the DENR to develop a strong regulatory procedure so that North Carolina can join other states experiencing these significant benefits.”

“The development of natural gas from shale in other areas has greatly benefitted states facing high unemployment and significant budget deficits.  Safely and responsibly developing North Carolina’s shale resources could help meet these challenges in the Tarheel State while also providing significant consumer benefits.”

SEA is the southeastern chapter of Consumer Energy Alliance. SEA’s membershiup includes businesses, trade associations, and non-profit organizations across Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.