19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Monthly Electricity Bill By State


      State Number of Consumers Average Monthly Consumption (kWh) Price (Cents per Kilowatthour) Monthly Bill (Dollar and cents)
1. Hawaii 417,531 585 34.68 $202.72
2. Alabama 2,142,625 1,284 11.09 $142.41
3. Texas 9,621,481 1,262 11.08 $139.81
4. Maryland 2,208,015 1,030 13.31 $137.17
5. South Carolina 2,101,585 1,221 11.05 $135.01
6. Connecticut 1,453,864 740 18.11 $134.07
7. Delaware 398,109 970 13.70 $132.83
8. Tennessee 2,708,113 1,325 9.98 $132.26
9. Georgia 4,056,147 1,186 11.05 $131.15
10. Mississippi 1,251,640 1,287 10.17 $130.90
11. Florida 8,575,892 1,131 11.51 $130.10
12. Virginia 3,225,395 1,183 10.64 $125.86
13. Louisiana 1,979,175 1,348 8.96 $120.84
14. Arizona 2,575,586 1,070 11.08 $118.62
15. North Carolina 4,201,898 1,151 10.26 $118.09
16. Oklahoma 1,667,223 1,221 9.47 $115.61
17. Pennsylvania 5,249,827 870 13.26 $115.33
18. New Jersey 3,457,325 709 16.23 $115.04
19. Alaska 273,855 649 17.62 $114.42
20. New York 6,987,631 611 18.26 $111.59


Source: U.S. Energy Information Agency, http://www.eia.gov/electricity/sales_revenue_price/