19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA Supports Electricity Rate Fairness and Equality


St. Louis's Gateway Arch National Park

All across the United States, CEA defines its number one priority as facilitating energy policy that results in reliable and affordable energy for consumers.  While CEA’s stance is the same across all 50 states, there are unique circumstances and challenges to address when formulating energy policy in each individual state.  The details are varied and complex and always interesting.

Missouri is no exception.  Defining Missouri in any terms can be a complex and sometimes even touchy exercise.  Manufacturing or agriculture?  Southern or Midwestern?  Cardinals or Royals?  Democrat or Republican?  Coal or nuclear or wind? (Hint:  the answer is all of the above.)  Pose these questions to any Missourian and you will have yourself a discussion and maybe even a debate.

However, when it comes to Missouri, one thing is not debatable.   Missouri is the “Show Me” state, where common sense and pragmatism reign.  Hard work is the norm, as is doing your fair share.  So when any company asks the Public Service Commission for a 25% discount on electricity rates that would increase rates for 1.2 million other rate payers, CEA takes notice and acts on behalf of consumers.

Changes to our electricity bills should be carefully considered, with a full understanding of all the issues involved.  Balancing consumer prices, industrial economic output and job creation is something our elected (and appointed) officials are asked to do every day.  Join Consumer Energy Alliance and our 6,000 plus members in Missouri to help us remind our public officials of this important balancing test.

The Missouri Legislature and the Missouri Public Service Commission have the opportunity to keep electricity affordable for all Missourians now.  But they need to hear from you! When it comes to deciding what the appropriate rates are going to be for Missouri electricity consumers, the impacts on all consumers must be taken into consideration.  Altering electricity rates to provide short-term benefits to any one company at the expense of a majority of consumers just does not make sense.