19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes Three New Members From Kentucky to its Membership


Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Kentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives (KEAC), Big Rivers Electric Corporation and East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC) as its newest affiliate members.

“CEA is very excited to welcome three new members from Kentucky,” said Brydon Ross, Vice President of State Affairs. “We look forward to working with KAEC’s membership, Big Rivers, and East Kentucky Power to engage consumers across the Bluegrass State on the vital role electric cooperatives play in providing affordable and reliable electric power. They are on the front lines serving our rural and underserved members across the Commonwealth and we are incredibly pleased to partner and advocate with them for sensible energy policy.”

“Now, more than ever, it is important that Kentucky’s electricity consumers and leaders have access to sound, unbiased information on U.S. and global energy issues,” said KAEC President and CEO Chris Perry. “We welcome CEA to our truly cooperative effort to keep our cooperative members informed and engaged.”

Perry added: “CEA and Kentucky’s electric cooperatives share a common focus on affordable, reliable and safe energy. By partnering with CEA, which represents a cross section of energy concerns from business, industry, utilities and renewable energy interests, Kentucky’s electric cooperatives join a chorus of voices advocating for this shared goal.”

Kentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives is a statewide association that provides services for the 24 local, consumer-owned electric distribution utilities in the state, as well as two generation and transmission cooperatives that produce power. Electric co-ops in Kentucky serve 843,000 member-owners, providing power to one-third of Kentucky’s population. KAEC services include representation before the Legislature, Congress, and regulatory bodies; safety training; coordination of management training; assistance with annual membership meetings; youth programs; technical assistance; legal services and public relations support including publication of Kentucky Living magazine, the largest circulation publication in the state with nearly 480,000 copies mailed monthly, with a readership of 1.2 million.

Big Rivers Electric Corporation provides wholesale electric power to three distribution cooperatives across 22 counties in western Kentucky. Its three Member-Owners are Jackson Purchase Energy Corporation, headquartered in Paducah; Kenergy Corp, headquartered in Henderson; and Meade County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation, headquartered in Brandenburg. Together, the Member-Owners distribute retail electric power to more than 115,000 homes, farms, businesses and industries. Big Rivers owns and operates 1,444 net megawatts of generating capacity from four power stations, with additional rights to Henderson Municipal Power and Light’s Station Two and the Southeastern Power Administration. Big Rivers is led by an experienced management team, and governed by a six-member board of directors. The company’s priority remains to keep the cost of electricity affordable and the reliability of service high.

East Kentucky Power Cooperative is a not-for-profit, member-owned cooperative providing wholesale electricity to 16 owner-member distribution cooperatives that serve 530,000 Kentucky homes, farms, businesses and industries across 87 counties. EKPC provides power through coal-fueled plants located in Mason and Pulaski counties; natural gas-fueled peaking units in Clark and Oldham counties; renewable energy plants in Barren, Boone, Laurel, Greenup, Hardin and Pendleton counties; and more than 2,800 miles of transmission lines. Together, EKPC and its 16 owner-member cooperatives are known as Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives.