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Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA’s Mike Butler Calls for Thoughtful Energy Policy in Pennsylvania


The high bridge at the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

The U.S., and Pennsylvania, are amid a profound energy revolution that won’t be slowing anytime soon, says CEA’s Mike Butler. He cites dynamic breakthroughs in energy infrastructure including shale gas development, pipeline expansion, nuclear and renewables as a driving force, and discusses outlying factors on issues across the globe, from Russia to the Middle East to Venezuela and beyond.

This time of year, I can’t help but think of my days as a student at Dickinson College. I loved my time at that school and still consider Carlisle my home away from home. I am, however, saddened that my liberal arts college and its students have chosen to only focus on topics that some in the media consider “trendy” — like energy policy — without thoroughly examining the issues from more than one prospective.

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