19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

New Ethane Cracker Plant Brings Benefits


Two engineers in front of large refinery

New infrastructure always brings new revenue to the community. Chris Ventura, Consumer Energy Alliance Midwest Director urges Ohioans to support the Belmont County cracker facility.

“This new supply chain will also spark the construction of much-needed infrastructure projects and revenue to serve the communities around it. That means better roads, better funding for schools and more family-sustaining jobs.


What’s more, the plant’s finished products, made from ethane-based building blocks, are essential to making our lives safer and our environment greener. Some of these products include life-saving medical equipment, car seats, helmets and the plastics used to make electric cars lighter and able to go farther on a single charge.”

Read more – The Vindicator