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Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week: July 10


Top 5 Stories in Energy This Week 07102020

It’s Friday, July 10, and as Tropical Storm Fay is causing flooding as it hits the mid-Atlantic and New England, satellites are now tracking a massive “Godzilla” Saharan dust plume, and most of the country is bracing for a heat dome. And while the search for Naya Rivera continues, Walt Disney World opened to pass holders and many Americans have been anxiously awaiting the release of another Hamilton special on Disney+.

With all of the headlines on COVID-19 this week, we are thankful for this video of a former football player and Marine catching a toddler that dropped from a burning building. And for those condiment lovers out there, you can now buy kits that turn savory sauces (like ketchup) into frozen treats. While you decide if that is tasty or gross, here is the news on our favorite front, the energy sector! As always, if you missed last week’s list you can find it here.

New Mexico utility’s solar array to power Facebook

The largest electric provider in New Mexico, PNM, unveiled a new solar array, a 50-megawatt facility that was built to power Facebook’s Los Lunas Data Center with renewable energy. The Associated Press shares how the construction of the solar plant includes around 180,000 solar modules.

Drones are taking off in the energy industry

Energy companies are increasingly adopting drones to inspect offshore drilling rigs and other operations as they look at seek to increase efficiency, cut costs and improve worker safety. Houston Chronicle reports on how drone-based technology may be used more in the oil and gas industry.

Wind turbine technology means 3D printing, wooden materials and new heights

As technology changes, wind turbines being used to generate renewable energy are growing in size and productivity. CNBC breaks down how the techniques to build turbines are also changing.

Green hydrogen joins the world of clean energy

Ten major European energy companies and two of the continent’s top renewable industry bodies started touting renewable or “green” hydrogen. Greentech Media explains what this colorless gas actually is and what the hype is about.

NASA is trying to grow food in space

NASA is looking at the latest technology for growing food crops in space to supplement the stored foods astronauts eat on space expeditions. E&E News cultivates how LED lighting, water sources and gravity affect the ability to maintain crops in the cosmos.