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Long Island Liberals Wake Up to How Green Extremism Hurts Constituents


Senior citizen keeping warm by the fire

Six Long Island Democratic state senators are now calling for “emergency” approval of the Williams pipeline after learning how blocking this vital infrastructure is negatively impacting their constituents.

“‘A gas shortage threatens the Long Island region,’ bleat six Long Island state senators, all Democrats, in a letter pleading for approval of a pipeline proposed to fix the problem — belatedly admitting that the policies they’ve long favored don’t work for their own constituents.

But now Winter Is Coming. The Democratic county executives of Nassau and Suffolk have belatedly called for the pipeline to go through, and joined the business community in pleading for support of the six senators.

Hence their belated plea for approval of the pipeline: ‘National Grid’s moratorium has already impacted thousands of our constituents,’ they complain — as if their own policies hadn’t forced the moratorium.

But just this one. ‘This is the last gas pipeline that will merit your review as our state transitions to a renewable-energy economy,’ they write. Guess any other part of New York (like Westchester) that faces similar issues is just plumb out of luck. What a pathetic pack of hypocrites.”

Read more – New York Post