Virginia News
Hate to Say We Told You So: Federal Energy Data Paint Ugly Winter Picture
With new data from the Department of Energy and the Energy Information Administration showing that natural gas is the leading contributor to reducing the energy burden on families across the country, CEA's David Holt...
Bad Energy Policies Could Bring New Winter Price Shocks to Families Already Reeling from...
CEA Analysis Finds Misguided Energy Policies Would Have Cost Consumers $137.4 Billion More for Winter Heating, Energy Use
Families with Access to Natural Gas will Save 21% in Home Heating Costs vs. Last...
Natural Gas Service Ban Could Cost Virginians Over $27,000 Per Household
Reducing Consumer Choices Only Leads to Higher Prices
RICHMOND, VA – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, today released a report which finds that a natural gas ban could...
Virginians Deserve a Choice and an Explanation
Virginia is home to more than 8.6 million residents. It boasts a diverse economy comprised of more than 780,000 small businesses and prominent industries like agriculture, information technology, manufacturing, and more. With an increasing...
White House Does Victory Lap on Gas Prices While Other Energy Prices Skyrocket
While some politicians are focusing on small decreases in the price of gasoline, despite remaining at historic highs, CEA's latest analysis on winter heating costs found that families can expect to pay over $14.1...