
Cars in Traffic

Keeping Gas Prices Low Means Keeping the Pedal Down on Energy Production

CEA's Kevin Doyle discusses how we can continue to ensure families and businesses will not see budget busting $4 a gallon gas if we...
Cars in Traffic

Florida, Keep the Pedal Down on Energy Production

CEA Florida's Kevin Doyle talks about the negative impact high energy costs have historically had on families and businesses and what can be done...
Man Using Computer

Holt: Russia Sows Discord, Discontent in American Society

Sitting down with North American Shale, CEA"s David Holt discusses the recently disclosed campaign against American energy independence and energy security secretly funded by Russia...
Port cranes loading ship

Thwarting Efforts to Learn About Energy Hurts Lower-Income Families

CEA President David Holt looks at how some special interest groups are working to prevent scientific studies that examine the potential for offshore energy...
Family riding bikes in the woods

Pipelines Help Keep Energy Affordable

CEA's Link Browder discusses how pipelines and other energy infrastructure help to keep energy prices affordable for Louisiana families. And while social service programs that...
Group of Friends on the Beach

Offshore Drilling Good for Georgians

CEA's Kevin Doyle discusses the benefits of offshore energy exploration for families across the Peach State. Fortunately, through a combination of improved tools, management and...
Construction Workers Cutting Plywood

Expanding offshore energy in the Gulf will have positive impacts on Louisiana’s communities

Consumer and Business Groups to DOI: More Access to Energy Helps Louisiana Families and Businesses, Powers Economy Consumer Energy Alliance and Louisiana Groups Urge Support...
Old and worn construction helmets on wall

Public Comment Window on Affordable Energy, Jobs, and Economic Growth Continues Through Friday

Consumer Energy Alliance's Brent Greenfield participated in a press conference in support of affordable energy and economic growth through offshore energy exploration. Lifted up by...
Family Outside in a Field

Trump Drilling Plan Faces Backlash

CEA's David Holt recently spoke with The Hill on the importance of creating a dialogue around offshore energy exploration so elected officials and policymakers can...
Two steel construction workers welding metal

Expanding Oil, Gas Leasing in Gulf Good for Mississippi

With the federal government evaluating new areas for offshore energy exploration, CEA's Link Browder discusses how elected officials from all parties need to be...