
Family electric bill

A March to Higher Energy Bills

David Holt discusses anti-energy protesters whose policies will lead to increased energy prices for families and small businesses with the Walpole Times. Do you have...
Pipeline worker in pipe

Want to Build a Gas Pipeline? Be Prepared to Wait Years

America's energy infrastructure is in need of modernization to better supply families, farmers, and manufacturers with affordable, reliable energy. Six hundred days and counting. That’s...
Inside view of a pipeline

A Pipeline to a Compromise

Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler discusses the benefits of pipeline infrastructure for Pennsylvanians. To many, the Constitution Pipeline could hold many promises — jobs; infrastructure...
Pipeline and shutoff valves

Consider Existing Line for Gas

CEA's Michael Whatley discusses the importance of maintaining and upgrading existing pipeline infrastructure to benefit household consumers of natural gas. New York state has experienced...

BLM Should Allow Leasing to Proceed Near Chaco Canyon

CEA's Andrew Browning discusses the importance of federal leases which help fund New Mexico's first responders and public education. Look at San Juan County, which...
Santa Fe New Mexico Downtown

Consumer Energy Alliance Submits Petition in Support of Oil and Gas Leasing in New...

FARMINGTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) has submitted a petition with more than 650 signatures of New Mexico citizens to agency director Neil Kornze...

Energy Group Asks BLM to Reconsider Allowing Oil and Gas Wells Near Chaco Canyon

KSJD quoted David Holt about the importance of energy development for New Mexico. The alliance’s president, David Holt, wrote that the agency’s decision “is adding...
Transmission and Generation Control Room

New England’s Known Need for More Natural Gas Pipelines

Forbes looks at increasing concerns surrounding New England's push for new natural gas power plants but opposition to the pipelines required to bring more...

Make Policy Pro-solar, Pro-grid and Pro-consumer

CEA's Michael Whatley discussed how we can implement pro-solar energy policies that benefit consumers and safeguard our electricity grid. The U.S. energy markets, including those...
Family electric bill

Petition Asks Gov. Cuomo to Approve Upstate Pipeline Project

Consumer Energy Alliance, New York State Laborers', and the Business Council of New York submitted a petition to encourage New York Gov. Cuomo to...