CEA’s Kaitlin Schmidtke discusses how recent court rulings against anti-development activists have set the stage for positive economic growth and environmental sustainability in Louisiana. By allowing this project to continue,.
CEA’s Mike Butler looks at how New York’s politicians are closing the door on providing families affordable energy as moratoriums on natural gas are announced due to constrained energy infrastructure..
CEA’s Chris Ventura and West Virginia Oil & Natural Gas Association’s Anne Blankenship discuss how developing West Virginia’s natural resources has had a positive economic impact on the region and.
With more oil and natural gas being produced in the United States, increased investment in additional pipeline infrastructure is necessary to safely deliver this to American energy consumers. A pipeline.
Last year, CEA released a report entitled, “Pipelines and their Benefits to New York,” which found New Yorkers were subjected to spot market prices for natural gas that were $137.
As New England prepares for another polar vortex, politically expedient policies that focus more on the wishes of extreme activists and not on the needs of families has continued to.
Louisville, KY – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading consumer energy advocate, released the following statement after the Kentucky House Natural Resources and Energy Committee passed HB 238, a.
CEA’s Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler addresses the misleading arguments elected officials are now using against modernizing our energy infrastructure and how they harm the public discourse. It’s time the.
CEA’s Chris Ventura discusses the harmful economic and environmental consequences of the Keep It in the Ground movement, and what that would mean for Ohio. This damage is courtesy of.
Recently, the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state of New York irresponsibly denied a permit which would allow for the construction of a new pipeline that.