Pipelines for America

Gas Station

Issues and Ideas Radio Featuring Mike Butler

CEA's Mike Butler recently appeared on Issues and Ideas to discuss the impact high gas prices are having on energy consumers across Pennsylvania and what can...
Mom with two young children

Energy Speakers Call Pipelines Key to Natural Gas Boom

At a recent chamber of commerce breakfast event, speakers discussed how a lack of pipeline infrastructure is causing Pennsylvanians to spend more money on...
Pipeline construction

Energy Infrastructure Investment Can Unlock Jobs, Energy Security

With Infrastructure Week in full swing, we need to recognize the importance of investing in our energy delivery system - from pipelines to transmission...
Woman stressed over bills

A Paucity of Pipelines

For the past few months, we have seen story after story detailing how record production of energy in Texas, and the United States as a while,...
Oil derricks at sunset

ETP Plans 600,000 Bpd Oil Pipeline From Permian to Texas Coast

As previously reported, America's largest oil field is running out of pipelines, preventing energy from reaching consumers across the country.  To remedy this, new...
Money going into gas tank

America’s Biggest Oilfield Is Running Out of Pipeline

As reported by CNN, continued pipeline bottlenecks have contributed to spikes in oil prices, leading to cost increases for families and businesses across the...
Young apprentice using pillar drill in steel fabrication factory

Elected Officials Taking Note of Energy Potential

CEA's Chris Ventura discussed how West Virginians are seeing benefits from energy production throughout their communities as new jobs with higher wages are being...
Oil tank farm at port

Pipeline Projects Move Ahead to Tackle Rising Texas Shale Output

Texas is in the midst of an unprecedented increase in oil and natural gas production.  As a result of this, pipelines are expected to...
Man putting gas in car

Bottlenecks Stymie Crude Output Surge

American energy production is at all-time highs providing us with an opportunity to become energy independent.  Yet a lack of energy infrastructure threatens our...
Keystone West Virginia

Inside Shale Interview on the Energy Consumer Protection Pledge

CEA's Chris Ventura had the opportunity to sit down with Inside Shale to talk about CEA's Campaign for America's Energy in West Virginia as well...