19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Pipelines for America

Senior citizens paying bills

A new report from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce looks at the devastating economic consequences for families and businesses as a result of expedient political pronouncements denying energy infrastructure in.

Multiple electric transmission lines

With New England consumers paying some of the highest prices for energy in the continental United States, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce examined how pipelines can help lower energy costs.

Senior Adult Couple Going Over Papers

Forbes examines why placing political expediency before developing sound economic policies for infrastructure construction is detrimental to energy consumers in New York state. Unfortunately, the good news about oil and.

Father helps his son to fasten belt on car seat

With the latest pipeline to bring affordable, reliable energy to New Yorkers blocked the New York Post editorial board put a price tag on the costs families and small businesses.

Pipeline construction with welder

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Ohio Valley Energy and Manufacturing forum, which discussed how businesses are responding and expanding due to increased pipeline infrastructure construction and energy exploration, received extensive coverage by.

Pipeline welder

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Brydon Ross talked about the importance of pipeline construction to help keep energy prices affordable and encourage job growth in North Carolina. It’s an exciting time for.

Michigan Upper Peninsula in Winter

CEA’s Brydon Ross and Chris Ventura discussed the consumer benefits of pipelines in the context of energy affordability and environmental safety in the state of Michigan with The Peninsula. Critical.

Port containers and cranes

Houston will not be the only city benefiting from the recent boom in oil production. New pipelines are in the works to bring more oil and natural gas to Corpus.

Father and Daughter Sitting in the Kitchen with Bills

Following up on last week’s reporting, the New York Post editorial board took issue with Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s policies that are working at cross-purposes. Without natural gas generation that can.

Manufacturing worker in a factory

Continued political posturing in New York is preventing families across the Empire State from realizing lower energy costs. It is also preventing businesses the opportunity to become more competitive and.