19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Pipelines for America

Pipeline welder

CEA President David Holt addressed how obstructing responsible infrastructure development and maintenance harms America’s hardworking laborers, families, and small businesses. Hating pipelines – and energy production – seems like the.

Pipeline and shutoff valves

CEA Florida Executive Director was featured in the Sun Sentinel discussing the importance of pipelines during hurricane season. Florida is reportedly vulnerable to energy disruption in one of two ways:.

Pipeline construction with welder

CEA Florida’s Executive Director Kevin Doyle recently discussed the necessity of pipelines to meet our energy needs. It was reported, back in 2008, that Florida was vulnerable to energy disruption.

Pipeline worker in pipe

CEA’s Andrew Browning was featured in coverage of the North Dakota Petroleum Council’s annual meeting. North Dakota gubernatorial candidate Doug Burgum was first to mention the Dakota Access Pipeline during.

Pipeline and shutoff valves

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler was covered by WJPA as he spoke about the importance of pipelines for the Washington County Chamber of Commerce. The Washington County Chamber of.

CEA’s Andrew Browning was interviewed by Wyoming Public Radio following the North Dakota Petroleum Council’s annual meeting. The Obama Administration’s decision to temporarily halt construction on part of the 1,200-mile.

Man putting gas in car

With the completion of the Cornerstone Pipeline, natural gas liquids can now be transported in a safer, more environmentally friendly way by removing tanker trucks from the road while increasing.

Natural gas powerplant

With the construction of new pipelines, states across the region will be able to expand their power generating fleet with new natural gas power power plants. In addition, these pipelines.

Laser cutting of metal sheet in tool shop

David Taylor, President of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association, discussed how investing in our energy infrastructure can help regional manufacturers become more cost competitive by having access to more affordable supplies.

Young apprentice using pillar drill in steel fabrication factory

Manufacturers across Pennsylvania and the region can become more competitive globally with access to affordable, reliable supplies of energy. Currently, a lack of pipeline capacity has curtailed their access to.