Just a few short years ago, farmers across the upper Midwest were faced with crops withering in fields or rotting in storage as a result of increased transportation costs and.
Pipelines are a crucial piece of our country’s energy infrastructure, ensuring manufacturers receive energy to make goods and families receive energy to heat their homes and cook their food. “It.
Andrew Browning was interviewed by KFYR-TV in Bismarck following his presentation on pipeline infrastructure. “We believe energy is a really basic necessity like food, clothing and shelter. Energy would be.
CEA’s Andrew Browning discussion of the Pipelines for America campaign was covered by Minot Area News. “We are here to represent of you know what’s really kind of been missing.
CEA’s Michael Whatley was featured in Platts discussing the recent extralegal process involved in halting permitted infrastructure projects. “We think that the administration is basically siding with protesters over a.
CEA President David Holt’s latest op-ed appeared in the Grand Forks Herald. Susan Sarandon headlined a small group of sign-carrying activists who recently protested the Dakota Access Pipeline by rallying.
On behalf of our 400,000 nationwide members, Consumer Energy Alliance expresses its extreme disappointment with the Obama administration’s unprecedented decision to halt construction of the Dakota Access pipeline — despite.
How critical will expanding the use of natural gas be to meeting the goals of U.S. EPA’s Clean Power Plan? Yvette Pena-O’Sullivan, assistant director for legislation and politics at the.
CEA’s Vice-President for State Affairs, Brydon Ross, discusses how domestically produced energy can help support schools in West Virginia. The heartbreaking effects of market forces and a federal regulatory onslaught.
CEA’s Michael Whatley was quoted discussing the need for expanding New England’s energy infrastructure. “The simple truth is Massachusetts’ energy consumers – families, small businesses, and manufacturers – cannot continue.