PfA Mid-Continent

Couple looking at tablet

An Essential Oil for Relaxing at Home

After a long day or even a long week, most of us like to head home, make or take out a good meal, before...
Father and Daughter Sitting in the Kitchen with Bills

Balance Key in Addressing Energy Grid, Household Cost Concerns

With an arctic chill gripping a substantial portion of the country, consumers will be facing higher energy bills from New England to the Mid-Atlantic. ...
Family Grocery Shopping

Bruner, Santa: Pipeline Infrastructure Serves the Public Interest

We know that pipelines pave the way for family-sustaining jobs as a result of construction and manufacturers because of the affordable, reliable supplies of...
Pipelines at night

Proposed Pipeline Could Create 1,000 Jobs

Increasing production in Oklahoma has quickly filled the capacity of existing pipelines.  New proposals to expand our energy infrastructure will inject more money into...
Computer programmer

National Database to Monitor Attacks on Energy Infrastructure

Energy industry leaders have increased focus on defending infrastructure as protesters target energy infrastructure, such as oil and gas pipelines, with acts of vandalism...
Pipeline welder

Lend a Hand and Help Build a Pipeline

CEA President David Holt addressed how obstructing responsible infrastructure development and maintenance harms America's hardworking laborers, families, and small businesses. Hating pipelines – and energy...
A couple paying their utility bills

Pipelines Help Hold Down Energy Costs

CEA Midwest Executive Director, discusses the unique impact high energy prices have on individuals and families living below the poverty line. Unlike other necessities —...

Energy Alliance Moves to Counter Ferocious Opposition to Gas Pipelines

SNL Financial interviewed CEA's David Holt on the importance of the recently launched Pipelines for America campaign. "A lot of these groups that are saying...

Obama Administration Siding with Extremists – again – at the Expense of American Families...

On behalf of our 400,000 nationwide members, Consumer Energy Alliance expresses its extreme disappointment with the Obama administration's unprecedented decision to halt construction of...
CNC machine shop with lathes, technicians and workers

Why Pipeline Opposition Undermines Environmental Progress and Safety

Families, farmers, and businesses across the country depend on our network of pipelines to deliver everything from oil and gasoline to natural gas and...