CEA Mid-Atlantic

As a resurgent manufacturing hub and new energy producing region, the Mid-Atlantic is a key chapter for CEA. We work to get consumers, manufacturing interests, labor, and small businesses engaged in the ever-growing discussion on energy in states like Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia.

Two offshore oil rigs during sunset

Atlantic Drilling Opposed; Bipartisan Fight Looms If Trump Gives Green Light

David Holt, CEA's President, discusses offshore energy exploration with the Express-News and the prospects of new development in the Atlantic. “This last election, we’ve seen a significant...
Child Shoveling Snow

Energy Solutions Possible While Protecting Environment

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler recently talked about how energy development with stringent environmental regulations in Pennsylvania has provided tremendous savings for families...
New York park in winter

Pipelines the Answer for Economy, Environment

Mike Buter, CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director, spoke about the harm Gov. Cuomo's energy policies are having on families across New York. Each project the Cuomo...
Offshore wind farm

From Wind Projects to Pipelines: Energy Policymakers Play Games With Funds

David Holt, Consumer Energy Alliance President, talked about the unnecessary politicization of energy policy which has stalled development of projects like Cape Wind, an...
Onshore fracking well pad

Causer, Scarnati Have Concerns Over Proposed State Budget

With a new state budget proposal in Pennsylvania, CEA's Mike Butler was asked about the effect a new tax proposal would have on energy...
Rolled Steel

No New Energy Taxes

Mike Butler, Executive Director of CEA Mid-Atlantic, comments on how the proposed energy taxes will negatively impact Pennsylvanians. But for those barely getting by, lawmakers...
Offshore energy production in the Gulf of Mexico

Nothing Off Limits Offshore in Trump Administration OCS Drilling Plan, but Protracted Fight Expected

CEA's David Holt commented on the Trump administration's proposed five year plan for American energy production - one of the most comprehensive plans for...
Father and Daughter Sitting in the Kitchen with Bills

Balance Key in Addressing Energy Grid, Household Cost Concerns

With an arctic chill gripping a substantial portion of the country, consumers will be facing higher energy bills from New England to the Mid-Atlantic. ...
Woman stressed over bills

Rule of Law

CEA's David Holt recently discussed how the regulatory process for infrastructure construction, when used to achieve political ends, harms families and energy consumers across...
Child Shoveling Snow

Work for Achievable Energy Solutions

With winter just beginning, CEA's Mike Butler looks at the energy burden cold weather places on Pennsylvanians living below the poverty line and what...