CEA Midwest

With growing domestic energy production, the American Midwest is experiencing a resurgence in economic growth. CEA Midwest gives a voice to Midwest manufacturers and other job creators benefitting from new opportunities afforded by energy production.

Father helping son on computer

Consumer Advocate Releases Report on Missouri Grid Modernization Benefits and Needs

Jefferson City, MO — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today released a report titled, “Missouri Families, Small Businesses and Households Need a Modern, Upgraded Grid,”...
Taconite Mine Along Lake Superior

The Lack of Critical Thinking on Critical Minerals Mining Threatens Our Future

As elected officials and policymakers continue to push for an energy transition, many neglect to ensure that the materials necessary - from cobalt and...
Renewables with Battery Storage

TBEIC Receives Clean-Tech Program Award

Engaging consumers from families to businesses about the future of energy is an important part of our mission at CEA.  Supporting programs that will...
Inside view of a pipeline

Say Yes to Vital Energy Upgrades in Minnesota

Minnesotans have gone to great lengths to keep our communities safe, which means we make smart decisions regarding energy development and transportation! That is why...
Manufacturing on the factory floor

Ohio Has Much at Stake in Michigan’s Pipeline Fight

CEA's independent report, The Regional Economic and Fiscal Impacts of an Enbridge Line 5 Shutdown, was recently citied examining the substantial economic impact and...
Cars in Traffic

Whitmer Order Lifts Some Fuel Rules After Refinery Fire; Critics

With Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer attempting to shut down Line 5 and increase costs on Michigan consumers for almost four years, CEA Midwest Executive...
Senior citizen keeping warm by the fire

Bad Energy Policies May Freeze Out Families With High Prices This Winter: New CEA...

EIA Winter Fuels Outlook Shows New Price Burden for Older Americans, After 1 Million Fell Into Poverty in Last Year WASHINGTON  - Consumer Energy Alliance(CEA),...
Pipeline construction with welder

Officials Talk Energy Issues at Marietta College Forum

Consumer Energy Alliance's Ohio Valley Energy and Manufacturing forum, which discussed how businesses are responding and expanding due to increased pipeline infrastructure construction and...
CNC machine shop with lathes, technicians and workers

Natural Gas Helps Our Area

CEA's Chris Ventura looks at how natural gas development in Southeast Ohio has led to improvements in air quality, new employment opportunities, and how...
Columbus Ohio Downtown River

Ohio Families & Businesses Will Pay Over $2.7 Billion More Each Year for Gasoline...

Consumer Energy Alliance Releases Report Highlighting the Economic Harm that a Line 5 Closure Will Have on Ohio’s Families, Businesses and Industries COLUMBUS, OH –...