Lend a Hand and Help Build a Pipeline
CEA President David Holt addressed how obstructing responsible infrastructure development and maintenance harms America's hardworking laborers, families, and small businesses.
Hating pipelines – and energy...
CEA Report: States Are Seeking More Economically Efficient Solar Incentives
Energy Manager Today took a look at CEA's solar incentive analysis.
As part of Consumer Energy Alliance’s (CEA’s) Solar Energy Future campaign, the 400,000-member nationwide advocacy group...
CEA Releases Comprehensive Solar Incentive Analysis; Highlights Importance of Pro-Solar, Pro-Grid, Pro-Consumer Policies
As part of Consumer Energy Alliance’s (CEA) Solar Energy Future campaign, the organization today released a new report, “Incentivizing Solar Energy: An In-Depth Analysis...
Energizing Massachusetts
CEA's Michael Whatley was quoted discussing the need for expanding New England's energy infrastructure.
“The simple truth is Massachusetts’ energy consumers – families, small businesses,...
Clash Continues Over New England’s Energy Future After Pipeline Ruling
Consumer Energy Alliance weighed in on the need for more pipeline infrastructure in New England to help lower energy costs for families and small...
National Consumer Group Knocks SJC Pipeline Decision
CEA's David Holt was quoted in coverage over the recent Supreme Judicial Court decision that will place an undue financial burden on energy consumers.
Energy Alliance Moves to Counter Ferocious Opposition to Gas Pipelines
SNL Financial interviewed CEA's David Holt on the importance of the recently launched Pipelines for America campaign.
"A lot of these groups that are saying...
CEA Applauds Removal of Anti-Pipeline Provisions from Massachusetts Energy Bill
Consumer Energy Alliance commended a conference committee comprised of members from the Massachusetts legislature that recently approved a final version of the Energy Diversity Bill...
A ‘transformational’ Mandate: Greens Hail Massachusetts Offshore Wind, Renewables Bill
Brydon Ross was interviewed about recent legislation passed in Massachusetts that will impact families and small businesses.
Though included in some earlier versions, the final...
ICYMI: As I See It, Expand the Natural Gas Pipeline
Currently, the Massachusetts Legislature, in conjunction with the Baker/Polito Administration, is in deliberations concerning comprehensive energy legislation that will have financial impacts on businesses...