New England relying more on natural gas along with hydroelectric imports from Canada
Electric operators in New England have been both generating more electricity from natural gas and importing more hydroelectric generation from Quebec over the past...
New England’s Cold Weather is Costing Consumers features a guest viewpoint from Consumer Energy Alliance on the future costs of energy in New England.
Guest viewpoint: Dramatic change needed for energy...
Grassroots Petition to Massachusetts Legislature
February 14, 2014
Massachusetts State Legislators
State House
Beacon and Park Street
Boston, MA 01233
Dear Legislators,
Last month Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) requested the Massachusetts Legislature to abandon any...
New England Could Take Brunt of Connecticut Electricity Tax
Electricity customers in New England could see rates jump if Connecticut successfully extends a $76 million a year tax on electricity generation.
The Connecticut State...
The Economic Impact of a Regional Low Carbon Fuel Standard on Northeast/Mid-Atlantic States
The Economic Impact of a Regional Low Carbon Fuel Standard on Northeast Mid-Atlantic States
Bay State LCFS Could Prevent Secure, Canadian Energy from Getting to Mass.
The following op-ed from Michael Whatley, Executive Director of Southeast Energy Alliance, appeared on the Secure Our Fuels website here on June 14, 2010.
Alberta’s Environment Minister Tells Boston Audience of the Perils of an LCFS
CEA joins Environment Minister of Alberta, Consumer Groups and Policy Experts for Boston Forum on Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)
BOSTON, Mass. – June 14, 2010...
Consumer Energy Alliance Applauds DOI Approval of Cape Wind Project
CEA President: Offshore Alternative Energy Projects Contribute to Balanced Energy Policy for America
HOUSTON — April 28, 2010 Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David...
Consumer Energy Alliance Issued Support for Final Decision Regarding Cape Wind Offshore Energy Project
HOUSTON – January 6, 2010 Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) announced its support for the development of the Cape Wind project...