Lend a Hand and Help Build a Pipeline
CEA President David Holt addressed how obstructing responsible infrastructure development and maintenance harms America's hardworking laborers, families, and small businesses.
Hating pipelines – and energy...
CEA Report: States Are Seeking More Economically Efficient Solar Incentives
Energy Manager Today took a look at CEA's solar incentive analysis.
As part of Consumer Energy Alliance’s (CEA’s) Solar Energy Future campaign, the 400,000-member nationwide advocacy group...
CEA Releases Comprehensive Solar Incentive Analysis; Highlights Importance of Pro-Solar, Pro-Grid, Pro-Consumer Policies
As part of Consumer Energy Alliance’s (CEA) Solar Energy Future campaign, the organization today released a new report, “Incentivizing Solar Energy: An In-Depth Analysis...
As Energy Goes, so Too Does Our Agricultural Industry
Consumer Energy Alliance's Know the Value campaign was recognized by the Colorado Farm Bureau.
That’s why Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) recently launched a campaign called...
Newly Released NASA Study Looks to Identify Methane Emissions in Four Corners Region in...
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today voiced its concern over a newly released study performed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National...
It Helps to Realize the Value of the Energy Mix
Andrew Browning discussed the importance of Colorado's energy production and the CEA Know the Value campaign in the Pueblo Chieftain.
There is a lot that goes...
A Campaign Worthy of a Toast
CEA Board Member Jennifer Diggins discussed the Know the Value campaign.
Want to know a secret ingredient to making amazing craft beer? Colorado energy production.
Make Policy Pro-solar, Pro-grid and Pro-consumer
CEA's Michael Whatley discussed how we can implement pro-solar energy policies that benefit consumers and safeguard our electricity grid.
The U.S. energy markets, including those...
It’s Time to Fight Back Against Anti-Development Threat
CEA's Jack Belcher discusses the savings families have seen as a result of American energy development.
We’re well aware of the many successes that America’s...
‘Keep it in the Ground’: Not the Energy Plan We Need
CEA President David Holt was featured in RealClear Energy discussing how consumers have benefited from American energy production.
America’s energy revolution has resulted in record-low...