Regional Chapters

Blue flame of gas stove

Court’s Rejection of Berkeley Gas Ban a Resounding Consumer Victory

Three-judge 9th Circuit panel tosses out City of Berkeley’s bad energy policy California’s ineffectual energy ideas defy logic, the law HOUSTON  - Consumer Energy...
Offshore energy production in the Gulf of Mexico

Support Offshore Exploration for Energy

With conversations on offshore energy exploration happening across the state, CEA's Link Browder looks at the possible benefits continued development in the Gulf will...
Household Furnace Repair

Consumer Group Praises Ruling by Court to Provide Regulatory Consistency and Move Forward with...

Houston, TX — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for energy consumers and low income households, today released a statement by CEA President...
Pipeline welder

Pipeline Advocates Gird for Battle

Consumer Energy Alliance's David Holt was interviewed on the importance of expanding natural gas infrastructure in New England. The Consumer Energy Alliance, an amalgam of...
Parents and child building blocks

Add More Pipelines

CEA Mid-Atlantic's Mike Butler discusses how New York's bad policy decisions have led to unnecessarily high energy costs, and how Pennsylvania can avoid making...
Gasoline Sold Out

Gas Prices and Geopolitics

Over the past 50 years, the United States has too often relied on foreign oil to fuel American families and small businesses. However, since...
Energy Day Houston

A New Energy Day Festival, A New Attendance Record

HOUSTON – October 21, 2017 – Families, students, educators, and local industry leaders turned out in droves Saturday to set yet another attendance record...
Multiple electric transmission lines

Climate Activists Push Back after Florida Repeals Energy Goals, Citing New Law

With Florida evaluating it's energy policies, CEA's Kevin Doyle examines how consumers can benefit from a diversity of sustainable energy resources. “I think what Florida...

Pipeline Drama Casts Shadow Over Oil Industry

CEA's Andrew Browning was interviewed by Wyoming  Public Radio following the North Dakota Petroleum Council's annual meeting. The Obama Administration’s decision to temporarily halt construction on...
Group of Friends on the Beach

A Government Takeover of the Utility Will Cost San Diego Taxpayers

Matthew Gonzales, CEA's Southwest Executive Director, examines the costly and misguided history of utility municipalization, and why it ultimately costs families and businesses more...