Energy Explorer

Hydrogen Storage Tanks

Hydrogen Energy and How It’s Looking to Become a Mainstream Fuel Alternative – Energy...

Blue. Green. Grey. Brown. Black. Turquoise. Purple. Pink. Red. Yellow. White. No, this isn’t a cheat sheet for a color wheel in art class; these...

Want More Wind Farms – You’ll Need These Too! – Energy Explorer

Due to the ability of a wind farm to generate enough energy to replace other sources of power, wind energy has gained traction as...
LNG tanker

Energy Explorer: CNG vs. LNG

In the area of alternative fuels, natural gas is one of the most affordable and reliable fuel technologies. Since the introduction of hydraulic fracturing,...
People in the Blue Lagoon

Energy Explorer: Geothermal Energy

When most people think of energy, they think of oil and gas, solar and wind, and nuclear. Unless you live in a country like...
Fueling a hydrogen vehicle

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells – Energy Explorer

Among the many alternative energy technologies being developed at the moment, fuel cells powered by hydrogen are among the most interesting and potentially useful....
Tidal Power Generation

Energy Explorer: Tidal Energy

As countries across the world continue at attempts to diversify their fuel mix, many potential energy sources are being explored. One of the more...
Mother and baby son with a book and a flashlight before going to bed

LED Light Bulbs and Their Benefits

Many people are replacing their outdated incandescent, halogen, and compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs with Light-emitting Diode (LED) bulbs, but what are the benefits...
Oil barrels

What is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

Last Wednesday, Congress eliminated the scheduled purchase of 30 million barrels of oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, something Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer...
Drilling rig workers in orange uniform

Why Big Oil Is a Fallacy

For the past three years, the Administration has made policy decisions that have discouraged investment in American energy development while increasing the cost of...

What is the Hype Around Carbon Capture, and What is It?

As the United States and the world look for ways to decarbonize, there is one thing for sure: there is no silver bullet. There...