
Dairy Farmer

Si la leche con chocolate viene de las vacas cafés, entonces la electricidad debe...

Cuando te sientas a comer, ¿alguna vez te preguntas de donde viene tu comida o que es lo que se necesita para producirla? En...

Why Seniors Dread Winter

This winter, many seniors who have the means to do so will head south to Florida and other warm locales where they will soak...

Issue of the Week: New Evidence of Overblown Shale Sullying

Despite the intense smear campaign that’s been waged by activists and their allies in the national media, the truth about hydraulic fracturing, a horizontal...

Natural gas: The other alternative fuel

One source of fuel that is not only clean and in abundant supply but has already demonstrated it can be effectively adopted on a...

Gary Doer: Time to Cash in That Lottery Ticket

"We have won the lottery we just have to figure out a strategy to cash the ticket," said Gary Doer, Canada's ambassador to the United...

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – March 26

With temperatures rising this spring across the U.S. and travel-starved Americans starting to plan road trips, news stories this week have focused on how...

Do small modular nuclear reactors have a future in the United States?

'Afternoon Energy' is a weekly segment featuring CEA President David Holt. David takes the time to answer important energy questions from consumers across the...

Notable in Energy News

Oil Shockwaves From U.S. Shale Boom Seen by IEA Ousting OPEC: Bloomberg News on Tuesday reportedon a new International Energy Agency (IEA) assessment that concludes the...

Effort to Shape Tennessee’s Future Underway in Oak Ridge

A sound and stable economy. A least-cost, maximally efficient mix of energy supply resources. Protection of public health, safety and the environment. These are the goals, as...
food safety

What’s Your Solution for Food Safety?

Much of what we eat is packaged to keep it fresh until someone purchases it and takes it home to eat. This is why...