There has been much discussion — and spin — recently on the state of responsible American energy production, the most contentious of which has developed around producing oil offshore in.
Schools have been teaching energy conservation for decades. Now more of those schools are able to incorporate a little math into their lessons about the value of turning off the.
The United States isn’t running out of oil, but you might think otherwise given the rate at which we are producing this valuable natural resource. This analysis takes a fresh.
Over the past year, we’ve devoted several blog posts to the state of the Gulf economy and the ways it has been hurt, first by the moratorium imposed on deepwater.
Whether you’re basking in triple-digit temperatures or frowning over a triple-digit power bill this July, we thought you’d enjoy this news out of Japan about air conditioned clothing. Japan’s Kuchofuku.
Between the American labor market hitting a brick wall, high levels of oil imports pushing the trade deficit to nearly a three-year high, gas prices still too high and the.
Unfortunately, we’re not talking about gasoline prices, which even after a recent retreat, have yet to come close to prices seen earlier this year. This week, we’re talking about gravity,.
There’s a poignant irony about the upcoming July 4th holiday. We’re celebrating Independence Day at a time that so many Americans are suffering from an acute lack of economic independence..
The airline industry has traditionally been wary of adopting alternative fuels, and it’s fair to say, with good reason. An electric car that travels less than its advertised range could.
Over the past year, the oil industry has warned that – without more reasonable regulations – it would be forced to move its heavy drilling equipment out of the Gulf.