
The OPEC Oil Embargo- 40 Years and 100,000 Miles Away

The OPEC oil embargo, which caused long lines for gasoline and brought the issue of U.S. dependence on foreign oil into American living rooms,...

Ice Thawing on KXL?

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy stopped by the newsroom of her hometown paper, The Boston Globe, to answer an array of questions including several on...
Mothers Day Gifts

Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas for the Moms in Your Life

We love our moms and work to celebrate them every day. Yet, whenever May rolls around, we find ourselves scrambling to find the perfect...
Pipeline welder

Lend a Hand and Help Build a Pipeline

CEA President David Holt addressed how obstructing responsible infrastructure development and maintenance harms America's hardworking laborers, families, and small businesses. Hating pipelines – and energy...

New EIA Energy Web Portal Explains Topics in Plain Language

Energy Explained , a new web portal launched today by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), celebrates Energy Awareness Month with the most comprehensive...

Stay Cool, Save Money

As summer temperatures increase, you can save money and energy and still beat the heat by following a few simple tips: Close window blinds and...
Senior citizen keeping warm by the fire

Virginians Deserve a Choice and an Explanation

Virginia is home to more than 8.6 million residents. It boasts a diverse economy comprised of more than 780,000 small businesses and prominent industries...
Texas drilling rig

Your Guide to the Top 3 U.S. Oilfields

U.S. energy production continues to grow. As America produces more of its own oil and natural gas our trade deficit shrinks, while our energy...

Can Wal-Mart Move the Needle on Solar?

It’s the kind of deal you don’t hear about every day: The world’s largest retailer (that’s Wal-Mart Stores) recently announced plans to add solar...

Pipelines Flourish as Keystone Lingers

Even as the Keystone XL pipeline languishes in the regulatory limbo of the Obama administration, as many as 37 other pipeline projects are nearing...