
Good news and bad news (and a little context) for the U.S. oil industry

First the good news: Domestic oil production last year increased for the first time since 1991.  For folks who tend to be amazed by...

Can industry ever be really green? Enter the Green Machine.

As industrial states like Michigan pin their hopes of an economic revival on renewable energy, a lot of people are understandably skeptical that the...

The definition of waste

In a perfect world, the U.S. would be 100% oil independent. In today’s less-than-perfect world, tapping Canada for some of our energy needs would...

What’s needed to keep American energy jobs in America

Everyone who works in renewable energy – or American manufacturing for that matter – let out a collective sigh of “What is the world...

Now We’re Talking (Finally) – Part II

By David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance We are pleased to be able to engage in a thoughtful conversation about Low-Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS),...

And speaking of humble beginnings…

Last week when we wrote about the power of innovation to both develop new technologies and transform existing ones, we described a brand-new technology...

From humble beginnings to game changing technology

When considering the nation’s daunting energy challenges, it’s always a good idea to keep in mind the power of innovation. This applies to game-changing...

An inconsistent “buy American” policy

Last week we had the fortunate timing of blogging about the value of good home insulation on the same day that President Obama renewed...

Now We’re Talking, Part 1

By David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance Higher energy costs lead to higher utility and gasoline prices for consumers.  Enacting a national Low-Carbon Fuel...

Distributed Solar: A more efficient way to tap the sun

Traditionally, one the biggest problems with solar power has been rain. Make that rain, clouds and all the other kinds of less-than-sunny weather that...