
Top 5 Energy Vampires of 2018

If you’ve visited our site before then you know we love to talk about “Energy Vampires.” It is a term that is used to...

Want More Wind Farms – You’ll Need These Too! – Energy Explorer

Due to the ability of a wind farm to generate enough energy to replace other sources of power, wind energy has gained traction as...

Top 5 Energy Stories This Week

As our healthcare workers and first responders continue to fight COVID-19, the Administration continues to focus on how the CARES Act and additional economic...

Issue of the Week: Colorado Energy Summit

This election season, CEA is delighted to be playing a key role keeping energy issues at the center of the debate leading up to...

New EIA Energy Web Portal Explains Topics in Plain Language

Energy Explained , a new web portal launched today by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), celebrates Energy Awareness Month with the most comprehensive...
Tiny house

When It Comes to Homes, Bigger Isn’t Always Better

Some people say that bigger is better when it comes to homes, but not always. Sometimes, bigger just means bigger, more expensive, and oftentimes...

Skilled Workers Wanted

Natural gas is changing the face of the American energy economy and employers are looking for a new generation of skilled employees to keep...

The OPEC Oil Embargo- 40 Years and 100,000 Miles Away

The OPEC oil embargo, which caused long lines for gasoline and brought the issue of U.S. dependence on foreign oil into American living rooms,...

Issue of the week: Eagle Ford Shale

There was a bit of unusual news in the oil sector this week when a major Tokyo company paid $1.3 billion for a 35%...

Standby Power

Did you know that many electrical products use energy when plugged in, even if turned off? As you read this, many of your own...