Opponents to energy production and infrastructure will seemingly stop at nothing to ensure pipeline projects like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline are unable to continue construction – stonewalling the economic and.
Since the success of the trans-Alaska pipeline system in 1977, oil and natural gas pipelines have been delivering our energy needs in a safe and environmentally-friendly way. With sensors, drones,.
In its five-year U.S. energy review, the International Energy Agency recommended that the United States streamline permitting and siting decisions for natural gas pipeline projects in order to shorten lead.
The positive economic and environmental impacts of Royal Dutch Shell’s petrochemical complex in Potter Township, Beaver County are clear: …Many of the materials we use to improve our environment include.
With all the noise coming from anti-energy activists and the politicians who enable their ideological zeal against natural gas, a quick dose of facts drawn from the real-world experience of.
If you want to understand the reality behind the politically-motivated energy policies being bandied about by Democratic presidential candidates, let Houston Chronicle columnist Chris Tomlinson spell out the absurdity of.
To understand the impact of ill-advised decisions by Cuomo on New Yorkers, look no further than Craig Stevens piece in the New York Post about the increasing denial of hook-ups,.
Cuomo’s battle against energy and pipelines is one that will not end well for consumers. “In formulating sound energy policy, however, we must remain practical. My primary point is that.
From agribusiness to airlines, every aspect of Georgia’s economy depends on energy. Our lawmakers should continue to support the push for American energy dominance, not blanket energy bans that will.
If you want to know what the future of the “Green New Deal” looks like, look no farther than the unfortunate consumers in New York City who can’t get a.