CEA’s Brydon Ross commented on the importance of the recently introduced bill in the Kentucky Senate designed to support the expansion of solar energy without shifting costs on those unable.
With increasing support for an Appalachian Basin Storage Hub taking root, extreme activists are working to discredit the need for plastics, choosing to ignore the fact our advances in environmental.
CEA’s Makayla Buchanan discusses how some lawmakers stance against seismic testing is shortsighted, harming families and businesses across Georgia. Tax revenue generated by offshore production could also help fund beatification.
CEA’s Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler addresses the misleading arguments elected officials are now using against modernizing our energy infrastructure and how they harm the public discourse. It’s time the.
CEA’s Chris Ventura discusses the harmful economic and environmental consequences of the Keep It in the Ground movement, and what that would mean for Ohio. This damage is courtesy of.
CEA President David Holt commented on the recent CEA analysis finding that just one part of the Green New Deal would cost families across the nation over $244 billion just.
David Holt, CEA’s President, addresses the recent increase in extremists attempting to sabotage or tamper with America’s energy infrastructure – and the real, deadly consequences that can result from their.
CEA’s Midwest Executive Director, Chris Ventura, talks about the latest extremist tactic designed to deny Minnesota’s families access to the energy they need to keep their bills affordable. An out-of-touch.
CEA’s Kevin Doyle explains how offshore energy production helps make energy costs more affordable for working families and seniors living on fixed incomes while providing for a secure energy future..
CEA’s Kevin Doyle talks about the importance of offshore energy exploration and how our environmental regulations, together with advances in technology, allow our country to be the world leader in.