In The Media

High school students with teacher learning math

Leaders Need to Step up Stem Education

CEA President David Holt is featured in the Houston Business Journal discussing the importance of STEM education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics,...
Minneapolis, Minnesota from Stone Arch Bridge

Enough stalling. Let’s build it.

Minnesota State Director, Chris Ventura says enough is enough – stop delaying Line 3. Considering the pipeline has been around since the 1960s, an...
Charleston West Virginia Energy Rally

Thanks for Economic Growth

CEA's Midwest Executive Director, Chris Ventura, looks back at the year West Virginia saw some of the fastest economic growth in the country -...

David Holt: How to move forward after Gulf spill

The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on The Daily Caller website here. May 17, 2010   As we are still...
Man Working at Home

Drill Less, Pay More: White House Resumes Oil Leases With a Catch

As energy prices continue to rise, CEA's David Holt discusses the failures of soundbite energy policy and the consequences American's face as a result. Listen...
Family grilling

Texas Energy Jobs and Projects Could Start to Flow Again With Renewed Energy Regulation...

David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance talked about the importance of energy transmission to ensure America's families and manufacturers can have access to...
Older farmer on a tractor

New Mexico’s Rural Communities Can’t Afford Higher Energy Prices

CEA's Victoria Gonzalez discusses how when the price of energy increases, New Mexican farmers have a harder time affording the watering of crops, fertilizers,...
Sitting on the beach during sunset

Lake Okeechobee: Why Water Level Matters to South Florida

Activists have bullied the Army Corps of Engineers to lower Lake Okeechobee's water levels. The idea comes from preventing the spread of algal blooms,...
Putting gas in car

Holiday Travel Rising With Falling Gas Prices, Stronger Economy

CEA's Brydon Ross was interviewed by the Bowling Green Daily News about gas prices during the Thanksgiving travel weekend. Brydon Ross, vice president of state...