In The Media

Young apprentice using pillar drill in steel fabrication factory

Offshore Drilling Would Benefit Georgia

CEA's Kevin Doyle looks at how Georgia could see up to $200 million in new tax revenues as a result of offshore energy access. But...
Rooftop Solar

Are Arizona’s Solar Policies Balanced for All Consumers?

CEA's Brydon Ross examines Arizona's solar energy incentives and how solar can be more accessible. Solar power has become a force partly because the prices for installation...
Man Flying American Flag

Natural Gas Helping PA Flourish

Darrin Kelly, president of the Allegheny/Fayette Central Labor Council, and Mike Butler, Mid-Atlantic director for the Consumer Energy Alliance, talk about the economic opportunities...

Perry Calls for Energy Infrastructure Build-out

Consumer Energy Alliance recently hosted Energy Secretary Perry at the Future of Electricity Forum. "Today's consumers have more choices, more information, more say on their...
Friends grilling

Now Looking to the Issues

Kevin Doyle, Executive Director of CEA Florida, talks about the necessity of supporting the energy needs of Floridians by ensuring a diverse, affordable supply...
Person at Gas Station

Morning Drive With Joel Riley – Gas Prices

CEA's Chris Ventura had the opportunity to talk with Joel about Thanksgiving gas prices and how production in Ohio and surrounding states is allowing...
Offshore oil rig at sunset

Keep Energy Discussion Going

CEA's Tim Page talks about how American energy production has helped to keep costs low for families that can least afford higher energy bills,...
Car traffic in mirror

Lower Gas Prices Could Bring Busy Roads for Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, CEA's Brydon Ross discussed what travelers can expect to pay at the pump and how American energy production is helping...
Cars in Traffic

Gas Prices Fluctuate Heading Into Holiday

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura has the opportunity to speak with WTOL's Victoria Idoni about what families will see as they prepare to hit...
Worker at construction site with rebar

Energy Opposition: No Blueprint for Real Leadership

As communities across the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic are continuing to rebuild their economies after the Great Recession, CEA President David Holt looks at how...