In The Media

Patriot News Op-Ed: Democrats are on wrong track with call for shale gas moratorium:...

CEA-Mid Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler makes the case why Pennsylvania Democrats should ask their party leaders to turn back a proposed moratorium adopted...
Woman stressed over bills

Rule of Law

CEA's David Holt recently discussed how the regulatory process for infrastructure construction, when used to achieve political ends, harms families and energy consumers across...
Liberty State Park

New Jersey’s Dangerous Pipeline Precedent Threatens State-Federal Balance of Power

Consumer Energy Alliance Vice President of State Affairs, Brydon Ross weighs in on the eminent domain case between PennEast and the Third Circuit Court...
Young father and two little kid boys feeding fishes and big brown pelicans

Florida Must Encourage Energy Diversity, Affordability and Reliability

With more people moving to Florida, more energy will be required to meet their needs.  CEA's Kevin Doyle looks at how Florida's encouragement of...
Two steel construction workers welding metal

Gibbs and Renacci Talk Energy at Forum

CEA Midwest recently hosted the Ohio Energy and Manufacturing Forum.  The event provided a unique opportunity for federal, state and local officials to discuss current...
Sitting on the beach during sunset

Lake Okeechobee: Why Water Level Matters to South Florida

Activists have bullied the Army Corps of Engineers to lower Lake Okeechobee's water levels. The idea comes from preventing the spread of algal blooms,...
Pipeline welder

Line 5 Tunnel Project Best Bet for Michigan

With Michigan looking forward to an economic recovery as the state begins reopening, grandstanding politicians continue to impede putting Americans back to work, rebuilding...
At a construction site, a technician tests a pipeline weld for defects using an ultrasonic phased array instrument.

Time to Get Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project Moving Again

Opponents to energy production and infrastructure will seemingly stop at nothing to ensure pipeline projects like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline are unable to continue...

CEA, Pipeline Infrastructure Group Create Reciprocal Membership

Recently, CEA's Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler and Washington County Chamber of Commerce President Jeff Kotula announced each organization's support of developing Pennsylvania's pipeline...

Promote, don’t hinder, safe and responsible energy production

An op-ed by Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt in the San Angelo Standard-Times details the economic growth in the counties south of Refugio, Texas, as...