CEA Kevin Doyle looks at groups who oppose energy development by poisoning the public dialogue with misleading information to the detriment of Georgia’s families and economic growth for our state..
Consumer Energy Alliance’s Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Pittsburgh featured Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke discussing the role American energy production in Pennsylvania has had on geopolitics, making.
Across the state, private companies are looking to invest hundreds of millions of dollars building state-of-the-art natural gas-fired power plants. CEA’s Chris Ventura looks at why this is important for.
CEA’s Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Forum explored the benefits energy development has delivered to Pennsylvanians and workers across the region. You don’t have to tell the Operating Engineers Local 66.
Consumer Energy Alliance’s Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Pittsburgh featured Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke discussing the role of natural gas as part of a diversified energy portfolio.
Consumer Energy Alliance, along with the Consumer Energy Education Foundation, hosted Energy Day at East High School. CBS 4 was there to talk with kids and their parents about the.
CEA Southeast Executive Director Tim Page discusses why North Carolina needs to bring critical energy infrastructure, like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, online to help families reduce energy costs. We know.
CEA’s Chris Ventura was quoted discussing the importance energy production and energy infrastructure are to West Virginia’s families. “The mining and production of traditional energy resources, like natural gas, have.
CEA’s Emily Haggstrom discusses the lost opportunities and higher energy prices that will result anti-energy activists embracing politics instead of sound science. Initiative 97 – which will appear as Proposition.
This year, Energy Day Colorado, co-hosted by Consumer Energy Alliance and the Consumer Energy Education Foundation, brought hands-on STEM learning to families across the region. When Nancy Kreitler saw an.