CEA’s latest report “Fueling America’s Energy Consumers” highlights the often-overlooked fact that oil and natural gas provide the majority of energy used in the transportation sector, and when the price.
CEA’s Brydon Ross joined Joel Riley to discuss CEA’s latest report, The Benefits of Ohio’s Natural Gas Production to Energy Consumers and Job Creators, detailing how Ohio’s families, farmers, and.
Chris Ventura sat down with Inside Shale to discuss CEA’s recent report, The Benefits of Ohio’s Natural Gas Production to Energy Consumers and Job Creators, and the more than $40.
State Sen Audrey Gibson and CEA’s Kevin Doyle discussed the importance of lower energy costs to Florida’s families. More energy resources would lower consumer costs and increase employment opportunities —.
CEA’s recent report on the $40.2 billion in savings Ohio families and businesses have seen as a result of decreases in natural gas prices was discussed by Marcellus Drilling News..
CEA’s Tim Page talks about the importance reliable supplies of natural gas are to North Carolina, and the irony of protesters benefiting daily from the products they are protesting. Small.
Recently, Consumer Energy Alliance released a report, The Benefits of Ohio’s Natural Gas Production to Energy Consumers and Job Creators, examining the impact natural gas production has had on energy.
CEA’s research on the high cost denying new and modernized energy infrastructure has had on families across New York was recently cited as a result of the Cuomo Administration’s continued.
CEA’s Chris Ventura was joined by LiUNA’s Joel Archibald in discussing training a workforce to build, maintain, and modernize energy infrastructure and why it is necessary to have an honest.
CEA’s President, David Holt, discusses the impact high gas prices are having on families across the country and how increases in domestic energy production are helping to ease the burden.