In The Media

Cal Dooley: Moratorium on deepwater oil and natural gas development is detrimental to nation’s...

The following op-ed from Cal Dooley, President and CEO of CEA affiliate the American Chemistry Council, appeared on The Hill's Congress Blog website here...
Offshore oil rig with workers

Obama Puts US Arctic, Atlantic OCS Off-limits to Oil, Gas Activity

CEA President David Holt discussed the recent administrative actions prohibiting energy exploration with the PanAtlantic Journal. U.S. President Barack Obama closed 3.8 million acres off...

Consumer Energy Alliance Hosts Energy and Manufacturing Forum

CEA Midwest recently hosted the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV.  This forum brought together elected and public officials, key labor and...

Patriot News Op-Ed: Democrats are on wrong track with call for shale gas moratorium:...

CEA-Mid Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler makes the case why Pennsylvania Democrats should ask their party leaders to turn back a proposed moratorium adopted...
Tanker truck with American flag

Our Energy Policy Is Fundamentally Broken

CEA's David Holt joined Nevada Newsmakers to discuss America's fundamentally broken energy policy. Listen here - Nevada Newsmakers
Mom cooking with children

Offshore Drilling Could Bring Prices Down

CEA's Kevin Doyle examines how harmful energy policies can lead to increasing the financial burden of working families and those living on fixed incomes. A...
Offshore oil rig with workers

Benefits of Expanding Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Development Benefits Highlighted During House Hearing

Michael Whatley's testimony on the beneficial impact offshore energy exploration will have on family budgets and job creation was covered by Daily Energy Insider. OCS...

Gooch Bill Making Rooftop Solar More Costly Defended as a Boon to Low-income Consumers

With new legislation proposed to reform Kentucky's 14 year-old energy policies, CEA's Brydon Ross looks at the impact the legislation will have on solar...
Renewables with Battery Storage

TBEIC Receives Clean-Tech Program Award

Engaging consumers from families to businesses about the future of energy is an important part of our mission at CEA.  Supporting programs that will...
Residential Solar Installation

Misconceptions About Solar Bill

It's been over a decade since Kentucky's policymakers have revisited energy policy to assess the state of renewable energy and how to best encourage...