In The Media

Stack of pipelines

Looking to Trim Costs? Approve a Pipeline

CEA President David Holt discussed how consumers across the country can see energy bills decrease as a result of pipelines. Families and businesses in Massachusetts,...

More Energy Investment Headed to St. Clair County

CEA recently hosted the Fueling Michigan's Future forum in St. Clair County, Michigan to discuss the importance of energy infrastructure and energy efficiency for families, farmers,...

David Holt: Help preserve jobs in the Gulf Coast

The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on The Hill's Congress Blog website here. Last month when President Obama imposed...

U.S. BOEM Denies Atlantic Seismic Survey Applications

CEA's David Holt was quoted discussing the economic importance of offshore energy exploration. The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) recently denied six permit...
Group of Seniors Playing Games

Strong Voices on National Energy Policy at [Florida] BOEM Hearing Today

CEA's Kevin Doyle participated at the most recent BOEM hearing on offshore energy development and the benefits that will be seen by Florida's energy...
Electric Car Charging Station

A Pathway to Environmental and Economic Wins

The positive economic and environmental impacts of Royal Dutch Shell’s petrochemical complex in Potter Township, Beaver County are clear: ...Many of the materials we use...
Family cooking breakfast

This Week in South Florida: Kevin Doyle

This week, CEA's Kevin Doyle sat down with Local 10 News to talk about Florida energy policies that can bring affordable costs and reliable...
Construction worker and backhoe

Ripple Effects of Targeting a Single Industry Hit the Entire Economy

With the stroke of a pen, thousands of union construction jobs modernizing our nation's energy transmission system were eliminated.  CEA's David Holt looks at...
Anti-Pipeline activist violence

Stop Hurting Environment American Energy Protecting

David Holt, CEA's President, addresses the recent increase in extremists attempting to sabotage or tamper with America's energy infrastructure - and the real, deadly...
Woman Looking At Her Computer

Settlement Would Charge Non-solar Customers to Pay for Rooftop Solar Power

Utah’s Rocky Mountain Power customers could end up paying more directly for power generated by their neighbors’ solar panels under the terms of the...