In The Media

STEM Education Is Needed for Next Generation Energy Workers

Sparking students' interest in STEM education is vital.  This is why Consumer Energy Alliance and the Consumer Energy Education Foundation sponsor Energy Day and...
Santa Fe hillside houses

New Mexico Oil Boom to Continue, More Infrastructure Needed

New Mexico's oil and gas industry boom is expected to continue growing at record rates. With that, infrastructure across the state will be needed...
Pipeline Connection

Oil and Natural Gas Producers Say Texas Has a Pipeline Problem

CEA President David Holt joined KTRH to talk about how pipeline constraints are contributing to the increased volatility of energy prices, and how new...
Mother and little son in the car reading

Consumer Energy Alliance Touts Shale Boom Energy Cost Savings for West Virginia Consumers

While at Shale Insight, CEA's Mike Butler had the opportunity to discuss one of CEA's most recent reports, "Powering West Virginia," with The Dominion Post. Shale gas talk usually...
Family Preparing Food on Natural Gas Stove

US West, Midwest Lead Renewed Push to Prohibit Local Gas Bans in Buildings

Protecting consumers' access to natural gas for home heating and cooking is seeing renewed interest in legislative bodies across the United States.  Consumer Energy...
Child with Stuffed Animal

We Need That Pipeline

CEA Southeast Executive Director Tim Page discusses why North Carolina needs to bring critical energy infrastructure, like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, online to help...
Fort Lauderdale Beach at sunrise from drone point of view

Energy Mistake Gambles With Florida’s Economy

CEA's Kevin Doyle examines how Floridians are paying the price for bad energy policies, and we can do to lower prices. Oil is the chief...
Port cranes loading ship

Thwarting Efforts to Learn About Energy Hurts Lower-Income Families

CEA President David Holt looks at how some special interest groups are working to prevent scientific studies that examine the potential for offshore energy...
Electric transmission lines

It’s An ERCOT Conservation Notice Hat Trick! All This Week

CEA President David Holt joined KTRH to discuss ERCOT issuing its eighth conservation notice in the past two weeks due to lack of wind...

Fuel agreement wrong for state

The following op-ed from Michael Whatley, Vice President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared in the Stamford Advocate here on June 25, 2010. Just as the...