
Fracking ban may unravel safeguards, future

Consumer Energy Alliance - Midwest Executive Director Ryan Scott writes in the Columbus Business First about the facts about fracking and how a Youngstown...
Inside view of a pipeline

Consumer Energy Alliance Applauds the Latest Keystone XL Decision

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today commended the Trump Administration’s State Department for issuing a permit to authorize construction of the long-awaited...

David Holt: Does Mineral Policy Law Need Reform?

The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on the National Journal website here, in response to the discussion question...
Pipeline construction with welder

Making the Safest Way to Move Energy Even Safer

Any good engineer will tell you that infrastructure and safety go hand-in-hand, and it's no different with energy pipelines. In fact, pipelines are already...

New Wireless Smart Meters in Texas

Remember those TV ads that NBC likes to run (Green is Universal) with helpful tips reminding us that we’re using energy just by keeping...

HOLT: Policy Makers Should Focus on Infrastructure

HOUSTON, TX - CEA President David Holt said it was "encouraging" that President Obama's referenced an all of the above energy plan in his...

CEA Releases Recommendations For A Balanced Energy Policy To Congress, Obama Administration

CEA has released "Recommendations for a Balanced Energy Policy," a briefing book presented to the 113th Congress and the Obama Administration.  The report outlines a series...

State Department Report on KXL Resets Debate

N.Y. Times: U.S. Report Sees No Environmental Bar to Keystone Pipeline (Source): WASHINGTON — The State Department issued a revised environmental impact statement for the 1,700-mile Keystone...

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – March 14

This week the Senate voted to confirm North Carolina environmental regulator Michael Regan to serve as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. As the Texas...
Santa Fe New Mexico Street with Pedestrians

New Mexico Governor Lujan Grisham’s Clean Hydrogen Plan Will Benefit American Consumers’ Energy Future

SANTA FE, NM – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, applauds Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham for...