
Mom and daughter grocery shopping

U.S. Congress Must Defend Gulf Coast Economy, Jobs and Struggling Families, Leading Consumer Energy...

Consumer Energy Alliance Highlights Need to Balance Environment and Economy During U.S. House and Senate Offshore Energy Hearings WASHINGTON, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance, the leading voice...

Consumer Tips for Saving Gas and Money

In recent weeks, drivers have begun to see an annual rite of spring & summer – higher gas prices. According to AAA’s Daily Fuel Gauge...

Footprints and Toeprints: Share Your Airport Experiences

If you’re like most people, when you think about travel-related energy consumption, you think about the big things: The size of the car, the...
Child Shoveling Snow

Energy Solutions Possible While Protecting Environment

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler recently talked about how energy development with stringent environmental regulations in Pennsylvania has provided tremendous savings for families...

Letter to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission

August 20, 2009 The Honorable Gary Gensler Chairman, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Centre 1155 21st Street, NW Washington, DC 20581 Dear Chairman Gensler: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is...
Offshore oil rig at sunset

Gulf Needs Offshore Drilling

Kevin Doyle, CEA Florida Executive Director and William Sisson, President & CEO of the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce discuss the importance of offshore...
Fast fashion

What’s Your Solution for the Energy Needed in Fast Fashion?

Whether you’re a woman or a man, you’ve likely been in a predicament where an event has come up, the weather’s changing, or there...
Double Standard

Why We Must End America’s Double Standard on Energy Safety

As much as we’d like to think we’ve moved past most double standards in America, many still exist. One of the biggest in the media...

SMU Study: “Proposed EPA Electric Utility Air Quality Rules: Weakening the Nation’s Economic Recovery...

SMU Study: “Proposed EPA Electric Utility Air Quality Rules: Weakening the Nation’s Economic Recovery and Putting America’s Most Competitive Manufacturing Industries at Risk ” “The outcome of...

We’re Losing the Race for Arctic Oil

By David Holt | Real Clear Policy U.S. economic competitiveness has always been inexorably tied to technological advancements, innovation, and our enterprising spirit. For a...