
Grocery shopping

Single Use Plastic is Helping to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus, Should We Be...

Americans spend hundreds of dollars on groceries per month – in fact, the average household ranges from a low of $314 a month in...

September 2009 Newsletter

CEA Newsletter Issue 30 Message from CEA President David Holt Consumer Energy Alliance continues to work toward a national energy policy that fully leverages America's abundant offshore...

Candidates Address State Energy, Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling

CEA Midwest recently hosted the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV.  This forum brought together elected and public officials, key labor and...

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Balanced Energy Policy Recommendations for the 114th Congress

At the start of each Congress, Consumer Energy Alliance develops a series of policy recommendations that we believe – if enacted into law –...
Energy efficient LED light bulb

FERC Commissioner Discusses Energy Industry, Tele-Town Hall Series

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Commissioner Bernie McNamee sat down with CEA President David Holt to talk about the current state of the energy...

High unemployment and low carbon fuel standards: Two not-so-great things that are even worse...

What could possibly be worse than the 10.2% nationwide unemployment we recently highlighted? How about the jobless rates of 11% in Florida, 12.2% in...
Birds flying over the Gulf of Mexico

U.S. Fifth Circuit Hands Americans a Win by Ordering Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale...

Decision rejects arguments to arbitrarily extend Rice’s Whale habitat Clears way for Gulf of Mexico lease sale ordered by Congress to move forward HOUSTON...

Why drill for Natural Gas?

Consumer Energy Alliance President, David Holt, sits down and answers consumer questions. Shawn from Texas wants to know, "We hear a lot about natural...

Federal Judge Reversal of Offshore Moratorium a Winner for American Consumers

HOUSTON – June 22, 2010 David Holt, president of Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), issued this statement regarding U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman’s...
Gulf of Mexico

‘Keep It in the Ground’ Movement Targets Gulf of Mexico

CEA's Brent Greenfield was interviewed by E&E News about the importance of ensuring America can benefit from sustainably produced domestic energy. While industry may be fairly...