
Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

Support Efforts to Strengthen Local Energy Production

CEA's Mike Butler explains why plans from Mayor Bill Peduto's call to divest from fossil fuels actually means disinvestment in our workers, communities, and...
Downtown Clinton, New Jersey

Opinion: The Cost of Our Energy Master Plan Will Likely Be ‘Astronomical’

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler examines New Jersey's Energy Master Plan and the cost implications it will have for consumers and small businesses...
Pipeline and shutoff valves

During Hurricane Season, Pipelines Expansion Is a Must-have

CEA Florida Executive Director was featured in the Sun Sentinel discussing the importance of pipelines during hurricane season. Florida is reportedly vulnerable to energy disruption in...
Seismic research vessel

Gulf of Mexico to Open up for Offshore Drilling

CEA's Kevin Doyle was recently interviewed about the Trump administration's proposal for offshore energy exploration and how it will impact Florida's families. “Regarding energy development...

CEA August 2009 Newsletter

CEA Newsletter Issue 29 Message from CEA President David Holt Last month marked the first anniversary of the withdrawal from the 18-year old presidential moratorium on...
Researchers in a medical laboratory

Energy Grows Advancements in Medicine

“Back when I was your age” is an expression many of us have heard and have maybe even said to our friends or our...

The Economic Impact of the Gulf of Mexico Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Industry...

August 4, 2010   A recent study released by IHS Global Insight entitled The Economic Impact of the Gulf of Mexico Offshore Oil and Natural Gas...

State of Play – An Interview with CEA Chairman John Heimlich

John P. Heimlich is the current chair of the board of directors for Consumer Energy Alliance. He is also the Vice President and Chief...
Welder Inside of Pipeline

Politically Motivated Opposition Kills PennEast in Latest Blow to Family Energy Costs

WASHINGTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for energy and environmental consumers, issued the following statement in response to the cancellation of the...

Top 5 Stories in Energy This Week

It’s not just tennis shoes getting a plastic redesign, now it may be your roads. TechniSoil Industrial is the company that has designed a new...