
The Economic Impact of a Regional Low Carbon Fuel Standard on Northeast/Mid-Atlantic States

The Economic Impact of a Regional Low Carbon Fuel Standard on Northeast Mid-Atlantic States

CEA President David Holt Testifies Before House Committee on Natural Resources

Watch the Archived Hearing Webcast Transcript of Testimony

Springtime and Groundhog Day

A look at U.S. gas price charts this week shows the cost of a gallon of gasoline moving ever closer to $4 a gallon....

President Obama to Expedite Approvals for Portions of Keystone XL Project

President Obama to Expedite Approvals for Portions of Keystone XL Project HOUSTON, TX- Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) welcomes the recent announcement that the President will support shortening...

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes ION Geophysical as Newest Affiliate Member

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes ION Geophysical as Newest Affiliate Member HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome ION Geophysical as its newest affiliate...

Just in time for the southern state primaries: Taking the energy message south

As a Republican primary election heads into some key southern states, CEA is taking the lead in keeping energy policy at the front of...

Working Together to Find Solutions: Gulf Coast Energy Summit

This month, CEA together with several partner organizations, will host another event for policymakers and Presidential candidates to talk about the important role energy...