
Secretary Ryan Zinke at CEA Summit: Energy Production Key to American Energy Dominance and...

PITTSBURGH, PA – Domestic energy production and development in the Marcellus and Utica formations continues to be a driving force of American energy dominance,...
Minneapolis, Minnesota from Stone Arch Bridge

Minnesota Should Avoid Germany’s Energy Mistakes

Chris Ventura, Midwest Director of Consumer Energy Alliance warns against Minnesota adopting a German energy policy. The German energy plan, "energywiende" has been dubbed...
People crossing street in Fordham Heights center, New York City

New York Governor Announces Plans to Ban Natural Gas in Buildings

Increasing Inequality, Risking Reliable Electricity: New York’s Natural Gas Ban Plan, an analysis demonstrating the high costs of government plans to ban natural gas,...
Columbus Ohio Downtown River

Consumer Group Applauds DOE’s Intent to Invest in Ohio through Uranium Enrichment Project

Columbus, OH – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading national consumer advocate on energy issues, today released a statement following U.S. Senator Rob Portman’s...

Independent Studies Show KXL Construction Creates Jobs

The New York Times published an interview with President Obama online on Saturday, July 27th, where he speculates on how many jobs building the Keystone...
Santa Fe New Mexico

How States Like New Mexico Depend on the Energy Industry

David Holt, President of CEA, recently discussed the positive impact the energy industry has had on revenue generation for the state of New Mexico,...
Pipeline Connection

Pipelines for America with David Holt

CEA's David Holt joined Jacki Daily to discuss the Pipelines for America campaign and the positive impact pipeline infrastructure has on lowering utility bills...

Arkansans Ask President Obama to Permit the Keystone XL Pipeline

LITTLE ROCK – The Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce and the Associated Industries of Arkansas with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to...

Just in time for the southern state primaries: Taking the energy message south

As a Republican primary election heads into some key southern states, CEA is taking the lead in keeping energy policy at the front of...
Friends Gathered Around Outdoor Heater

Consumers Need Choice of Energy Sources

Earlier this year, activists attempted to get the city of Chicago to ban natural gas, and have been encouraging the creation of extreme building...