CEA president: LCFS will not reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but may lead to severe economic and security consequences for citizens of Washington HOUSTON – April 6, 2010 As Washington governor.
The following op-ed from David Batt, Executive Director of Consumer Energy Alliance – Florida, appeared in The Destin Log newspaper and may be viewed here. April 5, 2010 Moving one.
The following op-ed from David Batt, Executive Director of Consumer Energy Alliance – Florida, appeared in The Gainesville Sun newspaper and may be viewed here. April 5, 2010 On behalf.
Consumer Energy Alliance aims to expand dialogue to promote thoughtful utilization of energy resources. March 26, 2010 Caterpillar Global Petroleum Group has announced its alliance with the Consumer Energy Alliance.
Issue 37 Message from CEA President David Holt Spring greetings from all of us here at Consumer Energy Alliance! This month as nature bursts forth in new growth, CEA is.
March 31 was a groundbreaking day of such historic significance that had its developments come one day later, it might well have been mistaken as an April Fool’s Day joke..
Fredericksburg, Va. – March 31, 2010 The Southeast Energy Alliance (SEA), a non-partisan energy coalition that includes farm bureaus, state manufacturing associations, chambers of commerce, rural electric cooperatives and individual.
CEA president: “The Time for Planning is Over — and the Time for Action has Never Been More Urgent” HOUSTON – March 31, 2010 Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) president David.
First the good news: Domestic oil production last year increased for the first time since 1991. For folks who tend to be amazed by how time flies, that’s almost 20.
CEA president: Senior members from both parties are watching closely WASHINGTON – March 29, 2010 The U.S. Department of the Interior needs to pick up the pace in completing its.