19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Press Releases

CEA: Study Confirms Significant National Value of Developing America’s Domestic Resources Benefits to Include Increased Oil & Gas Resources, Enhanced Energy Security, Thousands of New Jobs and Billions of Income,.

Shell Alaska Announcement Demonstrates Difficult Permitting Environment HOUSTON — This afternoon, Shell announced it will forgo a 2011 drilling program in Alaska based on the recent remand of the Environmental.

Senate ENR Committee Hearing Highlights Weakness In American Energy Policy Consumer Energy Alliance Calls for Access to More Domestic Energy Resources Washington, D.C. — This morning, the Senate Energy &.

CEA: ‘State of the Union’ Addresses Energy Need, But Too Narrow In Scope Alliance Continues to Advocate for Expanded American Energy Policy WASHINGTON – Following President Barack Obama’s second State.

CEA to Lawmakers: 2011 is the Year to Develop Balanced National Energy Policy Consumer Advocacy Group Issues New Briefing Book and Energy Policy Recommendations to 112th Congress WASHINGTON – Consumer.

For comments from CEA President David Holt on developing a balanced energy strategy, click here for video, and click here for audio.


Download the CEA 112th Congress Policy Recommendations here


Holt: “This commission had an opportunity, and some might even say a mandate, to move the current energy debate past politics and toward a reasonable consensus” on safe offshore operations.

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Gulf Coast Clean Application Center HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome a new affiliate member, the Gulf Coast Clean Energy.

HOUSTON — At its annual board meeting today, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) named Rich Moskowitz, vice president and regulatory affairs counsel of the American Trucking Association, as its next chairman.