Atlantic Offshore Energy: What’s at Stake for South Carolina?

Family grilling

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) is currently considering the inclusion of the Atlantic in the 2019-2024 offshore energy leasing program. Offshore Atlantic energy
resources are vast, and could help provide long-term reliable energy to South Carolina families and businesses so they can more affordably power and fuel their homes, electronics, and cars while supporting communities via job creation and revenue generation. This is especially relevant in South Carolina, where individuals spend an estimated $3,763 annually on energy and households spend more on their electricity bills than any other state in the country.((

In the Mid- and South Atlantic region alone, there is enough estimated energy to provide all 3,536,404 licensed drivers in South Carolina with more than 15,948 gallons of gasoline,
or enough for each driver to make 83 roundtrips between Columbia and Los Angeles.((

Exploring for energy off the Atlantic coast represents not only an opportunity to boost job creation, but helps to grow our economy and preserve our way of life for the next generation. Based on today’s prices, Mid- and South Atlantic oil and natural gas resources are valued at over $283 billion, the production of which could generate more than $53 billion in royalty revenue for federal, state, and local governments.((

One study has found that for South Carolina alone, Atlantic development could:

Recent public polling reflects South Carolinians’ continued strong support for expanded offshore drilling, with a 2016 Harris Poll finding a 67-28% margin in favor of offshore energy development.((

By ensuring and expanding economic opportunities that result from energy development, South Carolina can help provide jobs and critical services for all residents, including the 15% of South Carolinians living in poverty.((

Moving forward, in accordance with the new administration’s America-First Offshore Energy
Strategy,(( in July 2017 the DOI formally launched a public process to develop a new 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program.((

This process advanced in January 2018 with the publication of a Draft Proposed Program, with offshore areas including the Mid- and South Atlantic now being further evaluated for potential inclusion in the new leasing program.

Embracing offshore energy development of all types could provide a significant new source of funding for activities ranging from infrastructure improvements to environmental enhancements and beyond.

With the environmental progress that has been achieved in the United States in recent decades — including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and improvements in drinking water quality — it is clearer than ever before that we can have both responsible energy development AND environmental protection.

To underscore the coexistence between American offshore energy development and a healthy environment, the DOI concluded in 2016, under the Obama administration, said that not holding a single Mid/South Atlantic lease sale could result in up to ~$3 billion in incremental environmental and social costs, with the nation forced to turn to foreign imports to replace nearly 60% of the lost production.

For additional information on Consumer Energy Alliance and how you can get involved, please visit 

For a PDF of this information on South Carolina, please click here.

Atlantic Offshore Energy: What’s at Stake for Georgia?

Family Outside Blowing Bubbles

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) is currently considering the inclusion of the Atlantic in the 2019-2024 offshore energy leasing program. Offshore Atlantic energy resources are vast, and could help provide long-term reliable energy to Georgia families and businesses so they can more affordably power and fuel their homes, electronics and cars while supporting communities via job creation and revenue generation. This is especially relevant in Georgia, where individuals spend an estimated $3,273 annually on energy and pay monthly home electricity bills that are about 16% higher
than the national average.((

In the Mid- and South Atlantic alone, there is enough estimated energy in this region to provide all 6,607,016 licensed drivers in Georgia with more than 8,536 gallons of gasoline, or enough for each driver to make 49 roundtrips between Atlanta
and Los Angeles.((

Exploring for energy off the Atlantic coast represents an opportunity to boost job creation, grow our economy and preserve our way of life for the next generation. Based on today’s prices, Mid- and South Atlantic oil and natural gas resources are valued at over $283 billion, the production of which could generate more than $53 billion in royalty revenue for
federal, state, and local governments.((

One study has found that for Georgia alone, Atlantic
development could:

By ensuring and expanding economic opportunities that result from energy development, Georgia can help provide jobs and critical services for all residents, including the 16% of Georgians living in poverty.((

Moving forward, in accordance with the new administration’s America-First Offshore Energy Strategy,(( in July 2017 the DOI formally launched a public process to develop a new 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program.((

This process advanced in January 2018 with the publication of a Draft Proposed Program, with offshore areas including the Mid- and South Atlantic now being further evaluated for potential inclusion in the new leasing program.

Embracing offshore energy development of all types could provide a significant new source of funding for activities ranging from infrastructure improvements to environmental enhancements and beyond.

With the environmental progress that has been achieved in the United States in recent decades –including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and improvements in drinking water quality — it is clearer than ever before that we can have both responsible energy development AND environmental protection.

To underscore the coexistence between American offshore energy development and a healthy environment, the DOI concluded in 2016, under the Obama administration, said that not holding a single Mid/South Atlantic lease sale could result in up to ~$3 billion in incremental environmental and social costs, with the nation forced to turn to foreign imports to replace nearly 60% of the lost production.

For additional information on Consumer Energy Alliance and how you can get involved, please visit

For a PDF of this information on Georgia, please click here.

Kentucky Latest State to Eye Change in Solar Power Law

Large solar panel installation on rooftop

Brydon Ross, Vice President of State Affairs for Consumer Energy Alliance, discusses how updating outdated energy policies can both support the growth of solar energy and provide families with more affordable energy.

“We support solar. Don’t misconstrue that. But we have to be realistic about how our grid works.  We need to think about smart ways to continue to incentivize solar growth. The way we compensate people in that program, frankly, is outdated.”

Read more – Associated Press

Consumer and Business Groups Call for Balanced Approach In Florida for Energy Resource Development

Maritime Workers

TALLAHASSEE, FL  — February 8, 2018 Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for energy consumers, along with various Florida organizations joined together today to show support for the U.S. Department of the Interior’s (DOI) proposed 2019-2024 National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program. During a press conference held near the DOI’s public meeting on the Draft Proposed Program, speakers highlighted the importance of an all-of-the-above energy strategy and discussed the need to ensure that there is a balanced approach to responsible energy development in Florida.

The following individuals provided quotes for today’s press conference:

“CEA has long advocated for an all-of-the-above energy policy to ensure that Florida’s families and small businesses have access to reliable and affordable energy, and we will continue to do so into the future,” said Kevin Doyle Executive Director in Florida for CEA. “This means continuing to ensure there is a balanced approach that takes into account the military community and its training programs, Florida’s tourism industry, our pristine environment, and the responsible development of energy resources in the Gulf of Mexico.”

Doyle continued: “With the innovation, technology, and human ingenuity here in the U.S., we are confident that we can reach that balance, resulting in a win for national security, our tourism industry, our environment and the millions of families, farms, and small businesses in Florida that depend on reliable affordable energy.”

CS Bennett, U.S. Navy veteran and member of Vets4Energy Florida highlighted the importance of domestic energy by saying, “As a nation, we are safer when we have our own reliable source of domestic energy supply. I firmly trust in scientists’ and engineers’ ability to successfully and safely produce oil and natural gas offshore while protecting military operations and our environment, and I support Florida’s participation in the Outer Continental Shelf expansion.”

Julio Fuentes, President and CEO of the Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, explained why there is a strong need for a balanced energy approach in Florida by saying, “Florida is the third-largest gasoline consumer in the nation, and therefore should use a balanced energy approach to meet the needs of consumers while maximizing government revenue and jobs. As long as it can be done safely, I support any potential opportunities for energy discovery to ensure a strong and healthy energy future for Florida.”

Praising the support from policymakers, Representative Jason Fischer – Member of the Florida House Energy and Utilities Subcommittee, stated, “We finally have an administration in Washington that understands the importance of continuing America’s energy revolution, extending the infrastructure that safely delivers it and the fiscal and environmental benefits that both produce.

Fischer added, “Supporting an all-of-the-above energy solution – including oil, natural gas, solar, coal, nuclear, and wind – will ensure the lowest possible energy prices, strengthen both our energy and national security while improving the livelihoods for all Florida small businesses, families, farmers and manufacturers.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 450,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Atlantic Offshore Energy: What’s at Stake for North Carolina?

Mom cooking with children

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) is currently considering the inclusion of the  Atlantic in the 2019-2024 offshore energy leasing program. Offshore Atlantic energy resources are vast, and could help provide long-term reliable energy to North Carolina families and businesses so they can more affordably power and fuel their homes, electronics, and cars while supporting communities via job creation and revenue
generation. This is especially relevant in North Carolina, where individuals spend an estimated $3,073 annually on energy and pay monthly home electricity bills that are about 8% higher than the national average.((

In the Mid- and South Atlantic region alone, there is enough estimated energy to provide all 6,822,902 licensed drivers in North Carolina with more than 8,266 gallons of gasoline, or enough for each driver to make 40 roundtrips between Raleigh and Los Angeles.((

Exploring for energy off the Atlantic coast represents not only an opportunity to boost job creation, but to grow our economy and preserve our way of life for the next generation.
Based on today’s prices, Mid-Atlantic oil and natural gas resources are valued at $249 billion, the production of which could generate up to $46.7 billion in royalty revenue for federal, state, and local governments.((

One study has found that for North Carolina alone, Atlantic
development could:

Currently, public polling reflects North Carolinians’ continued support for expanded offshore drilling, with a 2017 CEA poll finding a majority in favor of offshore energy development.((

By ensuring and expanding economic opportunities that result from energy development, North Carolina can help provide jobs and critical services for all residents, including the 15% of North Carolinians living in poverty.((

Moving forward, in accordance with the new administration’s America-First Offshore Energy
Strategy, (( July 2017 the (DOI) formally launched a public process to develop a new 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program.((

This process advanced in January 2018 with the publication of a Draft Proposed Program, with offshore areas including the Mid- and South Atlantic now being further evaluated for potential inclusion in the new leasing program.

Embracing offshore energy development of all types could provide a significant new source of funding for activities ranging from infrastructure improvements to environmental enhancements, and beyond. With the environmental progress that has been achieved in the United States in recent decades — including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions
and improvements in drinking water quality — it is clearer than ever before that we can have both responsible energy development AND environmental protection.

To underscore the coexistence between American offshore energy development and a healthy environment, the DOI concluded in 2016, under the Obama administration, said that not holding a single Mid/South Atlantic lease sale could result in up to ~$3
billion in incremental environmental and social costs, with the nation forced to turn to foreign imports to replace nearly 60% of the lost production.

For additional information on Consumer Energy Alliance and how you can get involved, please visit

For a PDF of this information on North Carolina, please click here.

Atlantic Offshore Energy: What’s at Stake for Virginia?

Woman Fueling Car

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) is currently considering the inclusion of the Atlantic in the 2019-2024 offshore energy leasing program. Offshore Atlantic energy resources are vast, and could help provide long-term reliable energy to Virginia families and businesses so they can more affordably power and fuel their homes, electronics, and cars while supporting communities via job creation and revenue generation. This is especially relevant in Virginia, where individuals spend an estimated $3,288 annually on energy and where the state ranks 10th in the nation for average monthly
residential electricity consumption.((

In the Mid- and South Atlantic region alone, there is enough estimated energy to provide all 5,602,765 licensed drivers in Virginia with more than 10,000 gallons of gasoline – or enough for each driver to make 48 round-trips between Richmond and
Los Angeles.((

Exploring for energy off the Atlantic coast represents an opportunity to boost job creation, grow our economy, and preserve our way of life for the next generation. Based on today’s prices, Mid-Atlantic oil and natural gas resources are valued at $249 billion, the production of which could generate up to $46.7 billion in royalty revenue for federal,
state, and local governments. ((

It is clearer than ever before that we can have both responsible energy development AND environmental protection.

One study has found that for Virginia alone, Atlantic
development could:

Public polling reflects Virginians’ continued support for expanded offshore drilling, with a 2016 CEA poll finding a clear majority in favor of offshore energy

By ensuring and expanding economic opportunities that result from energy development, Virginia can help provide jobs and critical services for all residents, including the 11% of Virginians living in poverty.((

Moving forward, in accordance with the new administration’s America-First Offshore Energy
Strategy,7 in July 2017 the DOI formally launched a public process to develop a new 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program.((

This process advanced in January 2018 with the publication of a Draft Proposed Program, with offshore areas including the Mid- and South Atlantic now being further evaluated for potential inclusion in the new leasing program. Embracing offshore energy development of all types could provide a significant new source of funding for activities ranging from infrastructure improvements to environmental restoration and beyond.

With the environmental progress that has been achieved in the United States in recent decades — including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and improvements in drinking water quality — it is clearer than ever before that we can have both responsible energy development AND environmental protection.

To underscore the coexistence between American offshore energy development and a healthy environment, the DOI concluded in 2016 that not holding a single Mid/South Atlantic lease sale could result in up to ~$3 billion in incremental environmental and social costs, with the nation forced to turn to foreign imports to replace nearly 60% of the
lost production.

For additional information on how you can get involved, please visit

For a PDF of this information on Virginia, please click here.

Gulf of Mexico Energy: What’s at Stake for Mississippi?

Getting Ready for a Road Trip

The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) provides families and businesses across Mississippi, the Gulf Coast region, and the nation with reliable American energy so families and businesses can more affordably power and fuel their homes, electronics, and cars, while also supporting
communities across the state through jobs and revenue generation. Affordable energy is especially vital to Mississippi, which is fourth in the nation for average monthly consumption of residential electricity.((

In addition to providing abundant energy, in Mississippi alone during Fiscal Year 2014, Gulf of Mexico energy activity supported 13,000 jobs in the state and $1 billion in Gross Domestic Product (GDP).(( By ensuring and expanding economic opportunities that
result from energy development, Mississippi can help provide jobs and critical services for people across the state, including the roughly 21 percent of Mississippians living in poverty.((

Moving forward in accordance with the new administration’s America-First Offshore Energy Strategy,(( the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) in July 2017 formally launched a public process to develop a new 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program.(( Through this new process, all offshore areas, including in the Gulf of Mexico, will be evaluated for potential inclusion in the new leasing program.

Then, in January 2018, the DOI issued its 2019-2024 Draft Proposed Program, which includes opportunities for expanded access to American energy in regions including the Gulf of Mexico. During this new public review phase, areas including the Gulf will be further evaluated for potential future leasing activity.

Continued and expanded energy development in the Gulf of Mexico represents a vital opportunity to boost job creation, grow our economy, and preserve our way of life for families, seniors, and households across the state and for future generations of Mississippians.

Based on today’s prices, Gulf of Mexico oil and natural gas resources are valued at over $3.86 trillion, the production of which could generate up to $723.7 billion in royalty revenue for federal, state, and local governments.((

One study has found that for Mississippi alone, expanded Gulf development could create up to:

As a new program is developed, lease sales under the existing leasing plan will continue. In October 2017, the DOI announced its intention to conduct the largest offshore lease sale in U.S. history, proposing to offer nearly 77 million acres at an upcoming March 2018 lease sale.(( Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant said that the sale “will strengthen our state’s
status as a leader in oil and gas exploration and create good jobs for hardworking Mississippians.”(( U.S. Senator Roger Wicker added that offshore energy development “benefits working families, consumers, and our national security,” and called the announcement “a win for Mississippi and the entire country.”

Pursuant to federal law, offshore energy development is providing Mississippi with a new source of funding for activities ranging from infrastructure improvements to environmental restoration, and beyond. With robust energy, fishing, and tourism activity, Mississippi is a clear example of how we can have both responsible energy development AND
environmental protection.

For additional information on how you can get involved, please visit

For a PDF of this information on Mississippi, please click here.

Consumer Energy Alliance Announces New Board Chairman

Brett Vassey

Houston, TX — A key manufacturing executive has taken a leadership position on Consumer Energy Alliance’s (CEA) board of directors, the organization’s president David Holt announced today.

Brett Vassey, president and CEO of the Virginia Manufacturers Association (VMA) and a member of CEA’s board since 2013, will serve as the new chair of its Board of Directors. Vassey’s term follows two successful years for CEA under the leadership of Wayne Zemke, a marketing executive with Caterpillar, Inc, Zemke will continue to serve as a member of the board.

Vassey, represents Virginia’s estimated 5,000 manufacturing facilities employing over 230,000 Virginians as the VMA’s president and CEO.

“CEA has long benefited from Brett’s support and counsel,” said David Holt. “He understands how a balanced energy policy that includes all energy from wind and solar to oil, natural gas, and coal, helps American consumers and generates numerous benefits for the economy. With Vassey’s experience in the manufacturing industry, he brings a critical perspective to the CEA board, and we look forward to utilizing his expertise to advance the interests of energy consumers.”

“I am honored to help lead Consumer Energy Alliance, and along with the current board members, I look forward to helping CEA advocate for expanded access to responsible energy production as a means to grow our economy, lower energy prices and improve energy security and reliability,” said Brett Vassey.

CEA, formed in 2006 to tell the story of the energy consumer, is made up of over 260 member companies and over 450,000 citizens who support boosting an “all-of-the-above” energy policy.

Consumer Energy Alliance board members, include: Chad Easton, State Government Affairs Manager, Nucor Steel; John Eichberger, Executive Director, Fuels Institute; Vice Chair , John Heimlich, Vice President and Chief Economist for Airlines for America; Mark Pulliam, Chief Commercial Officer, SwayPay, Inc.; Brian Welch, ‎Executive Committee & Casualty Manager, Wortham Insurance; and Wayne Zemke, Caterpillar, Incorporated.


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 450,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Consumer Advocate Praises Passage of Private Solar Reform Legislation by Kentucky House Natural Resources and Energy Committee

Rooftop Solar

LOUISVILLE, KY — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for energy consumers and households on fixed incomes today praised the House Natural Resources and Energy Committee for its passage of legislation that would help expand solar deployment across the Commonwealth, helping to expand solar power, protect families and add options for seniors and small businesses, many of whom are seeing electricity prices continue to increase.

CEA’s Vice President of State Affairs, Brydon Ross, a long-time resident of the Commonwealth, stated: “We want to thank the members of the House Natural Resources and Energy Committee for their support of this important legislation. CEA also appreciates Chairman Jim Gooch for offering this forward-thinking bill that will, in our view, put solar on a good path for growth in the Commonwealth, as well as help families and those living on fixed-incomes from additional cost burdens.  In short, this bill acknowledges that solar power has arrived and will continue to be a strong part of our power mix.”

Ross added: “CEA strongly supports solar development as part of a diverse, robust energy mix. As prices for installment continue to come down, it is important that our policies keep pace with this rapidly changing industry. Preventing cost-shifting is simply a matter of fairness and good public policy. We look forward to working with Kentucky policymakers to continue to update and improve Kentucky’s balanced, all of the above energy policy that includes renewables and our abundant natural resources.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 450,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242


Net Metering Bill Gets Go-Ahead by House Panel

Installing Solar Panels

Consumer Energy Alliance believes that we can all work together to develop policies that are pro-solar, pro-grid, and pro-consumer.

Lawmakers began looking more closely at the state’s net metering program last year in the Interim Joint Committee on Natural Resources and Energy. Testifying on the issue in November was the Consumer Energy Alliance, or CEA, whose representatives told lawmakers that solar credits for net metering customers are nearly three times the competitive market rate, putting utility customers at a disadvantage.

Read more – The Ohio County Monitor